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TangFu FM20 Skin v1.1.1

This is my first FM2020 skin. There are two versions available.

By on Apr 11, 2020   128258 views   24 comments
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Downloads: 36409 / Size: 56.0 MB / Added: 2020-04-11
Football Manager 2020 Skins - TangFu FM20 Skin v1.1.1
This is my first FM20 skin.
There are two versions of my skin.
The biggest difference between them is the player Overview Profile,other parts are the same.

Different Versions

You can choose according to your preference.

TangFu Skin Middle E V1.1.1

TangFu Skin Middle Left E V1.1.1

TangFu Skin / FM20 Preview

Don't use city background,this skin doesn't support !!

Clear the cache before using it !
Clear Cache!!! Clear Cache!!! Clear Cache!!!

If the screen turns red,please set scaling 85% or 125% and reload skin!!
Then the screen will go normal. You can set 100% to keep playing the game!

If game crashed, please clean cache! and delete “Documents\Sports Interactive\crash dumps”


Heffem skin


Wannachup skin

YACS skin

SSD gold skin

Tad Twenty skin

My English is not good, some things can't be said.

But i want to say thank you to other skin's author.

I'm glad if you could enjoy playing Football Manager with this skin!!


Have a good time!!

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Downloads: 36409 / Size: 56.0 MB / Added: 2020-04-11
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Discussion: TangFu FM20 Skin v1.1.1

24 comments have been posted so far.

  • O_Thiago's avatar
    Hey there Tang Fu, do you have discord?
  • philip2s's avatar
    Bonjour, je vois des photos de stades sur les images mais moi je n'arrive pas a les faire apparaitre. Quelqu'un sait comment je dois procédez svp ?
  • filip991's avatar
    hi, GREAT skin!
    I'm just wondering how can I throw out background images or amplify darkness there?
  • Sorte's avatar
    Hello, are there any way of changing the way these looks like - i dont like the round edges and the colour, and they dont look like the ones on the screenshot?
  • zoffo's avatar
    beautiful skin! thank you for the job!
  • Tyvan's avatar
    Awesome skin. Im just having a little problem I can't see the P.A, does anyone know why?
  • Indynico's avatar
    Great skin. Loving the grades instead of the colour shades for positioning. I have a question: how come does your hot prospect at Swansea (Szimon Klusek) look so much better than the regular FM new gens?? Is it an added facepack? I added one I found but it doesn't work until the next youth intake day, right? Impossible to put a real picture on my current and former new gens? I'm in september 2024. Thanks again for this dope skin!
  • nicoteco's avatar
    Thanks for the skin.

    Can you tell me where can i change the color of "AVERAGE RATING OF LAST FIVE GAMES" on tactics screen?

    I would like to put the rectangle to be red when player rate is above 7.0.
  • ROBBO44444444's avatar
    the skin is amazing one problem thow it dont work game just crashes every time i click on a player anyone else have a problem
  • kevoh17's avatar
    Really clean and nice looking skin! Could you possible make it for lower resolution users like my self 1366x768? would be highly appreciated.
  • Rekoshooter's avatar
    So , it is written above that this skin does not support City Background.
  • bluemoon78's avatar
    hey Tracisloo,, u do good skin but I dont use it because BS selector isnt work who can solve this problem
  • Rekoshooter's avatar
    Sorry, but it seems like the author does not follow his topic or does not know how to do.
    The skin is very good but unfortunately no answer from the author.
  • sych1221's avatar
  • jura90's avatar
    does anyone know how to change the color of attribute analyzer from white to black? It is barely seen, other then that it is a fantastic skin
  • XlapatsaS's avatar
    It looks like a very good skin but when I use it I only see the background image and the texts aren't readable.
    Does anyone have any idea how to fix it?
  • Polos91's avatar
    Good job but greek language problem..
  • Si Supersonic's avatar
    Very very nice skin considering your first attempt. Especially like the number rating for each player on the tactics screen. Thank you :)
  • Pace's avatar
    Love this skin!
  • MFilipe77's avatar
    I love the skin. I just don't like the reduced dimensions of the stadium information in the club information.
  • Rekoshooter's avatar
    Good kin.
    But I also have a background - the city, that is why it is impossible to see other details, because th picture is too bright.
    It woulb be better if we have background selector, and every user of this skin can choose its favourite pictures as a background.
  • bluemoon78's avatar
    its very nice but dont work backgrond selecter and I dont wanna see CR7 How can I change Portugal picture????
  • Derick Minhard's avatar
    Nice work bruh, a really nice and good looking skin...Can you make it for low resolution too ? For the ones with 1366* 768 resolution. Thank you.
  • yanzhihh928's avatar
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