Football Manager 2020 Skins
Change the looks of your Football Manager 2020 interface by choosing custom made FM 2020 skins and mods. Find quality FM20 skins only.
Priisek Dark FM20 Skin v1
76691 29390Base skin alternative with a dark background. V1 Inc INSTANT RESULT & is also great with all cut-out face packs too. Background Pack Compatible. Enjoy.
Mint BBC Sports FM20 Skin & Variants
65879 12313 8An evolution of michaelmurrayuk's personal skin based on the FM20 Default Light Skin with changes to several panels. Colours loosely based on the BBC Sport website. Plus 5 more color variants.
Gemini '20 (v12) // FM20 Skin
102937 22759 18A mismash of ideas and personal skins over the years that have now been amalgamated into Gemini. My personal skin for FM2020.
SSD Gold skin for FM20 by Sh@rk - FMSLife V1.5
126987 36726 26Gold skin for FM2020. I'm back this year with a new FM20 skin with a gold flair. Optimized for 1920x1080 windowed mode with 100% zoom.
FM20 Heffem Skin for low res monitors (4:3)
43754 7572 2An optimised Heffem skin for 4:3 monitors. Original skin by Krysler.
FM20 Skin: TCS Glass v0.2
89581 18071 10An alternate version of the TCS Skin! Inspired from previous skins such as Steklo, Scorpio and CFM and Evo!
Tad Twenty v.1.2.2 / FM20 Skin
175478 37883 97Tad Twenty skin for Football Manager 2020. Optimized for Full HD screens, with instant result button.
FM 2020 FLUT skin light - Version 2.2
124971 29916 148A "light" skin for the regular career mode of Football Manager 2020 - Version 2.2, released on 25 May 2020
FM 2020 FLUT skin dark - Version 2.2
441901 104666 778A "dark" skin for the regular career mode of Football Manager 2020 - Version 2.2, released on 25 May 2020
FM20 Skin: TCS 2020 v1.5
1850640 181846 135The official TCS Football Manager 2020 skin. It's back and better than ever! Built for 1920x1080.
YACS FM 2020 Skin
908004 33167 26YACS for Football Manager 2020 by bossland. One of the best skin for FM20. Version 1.2 released on May 21st on Steam workshop.
FMT DarkSide Skin for FM Touch 2020
42873 4416 3Dark skin for FMT2020. Optimized for FHD and 2560x1440 Windows! This is the original skin by SI, re-edited for my style, because I'm tired of full game :)
TangFu FM20 Skin v1.1.1
128365 36417 24This is my first FM2020 skin. There are two versions available.
Rensie FM20 Skins // Dark & Purple v2.5
141496 42.
PequenoGenio88 FM20 Skins - Dark & Light - V2 (28/03/20)
67203 14229 14Dark & Light skins for FM2020. Using elements from other skin makers, such as keysi, tcs and opz. Made for windowed mode at 1920x1080.
Missing Dark/Light Skins for FM Touch 2020
38341 5069 2If you're tired of the purple skin on FM Touch 2020, you can try these dark/light variants instead. Includes a skin for the tablet version. Created by GavinG.
Tiki-Taka '20 Skin by Jas80 - v1.2 UPDATE (02/03/2020) - Standard & Dark
83895 12485 35Skin based on Football Manager 2020 Base Skin. Ideal for low resolutions (tested on 1280x800)
Heffem Skin V2 for FM20
413508 142498 120A dark skin for Football Manager 2020 with Instant Result and Lowres versions
Material Skin 2.0.6 for FM20 by budwaiser4
121506 24314 71Like last year I want to share with you my skin! Material skin for FM 2020. Enjoy!
FM 20 Light Skin: TCS 2020 v1.3.1 Light
44708 8281 4A light version of the most popular FM 2020 skin TCS!
FM 20 Skin: TCS 2020 v1.3.1 (WorkTheSpace Version)
118518 25114 24The ever popular, official Work the Space version of the TCS Football Manager 2020 skin. It's back and better than ever! Built for 1920x1080 and 2560x1440
Dark Polish FM20 Skin v1.0
41579 8115 6Dark skin for FM 2020 which changes very little and yet quite a lot.
Livid'20 v1.3 - Dark FM20 Skin by Entreaty
110093 25396 47Livid is back once again, now available for Football Manager 2020.
FM20 Skin: Teal Twenty v.1.1
76257 16102 29Teal Twenty skin for Football Manager 2020. Optimized for Full HD screens. With instant result button.
Unlock Japanese Club Overview // FM20 Panel Skin
40375 3928 19Dark Is Actually Dark FM20 Skin
109266 23821 41The default FM20 dark skin, but actually dark. Includes instant result and a dark blur filter over the background for people who use custom backgrounds.
EVO FM 2020 SKIN - BETA 20.11
180649 33766 67EVO is a skin for the regular career mode of Football Manager 2020 with "Instant Result" button. Clean, simple and elegant style!
Football Manager 2020 Base Skins with Background Support
17915 2220 3The default skins but able to support Background Pictures
Football Manager 2020 Base Skins & Skinning Tips | Updated for v20.1.0
47938 4877 3Base skins are identical to the default skins that come with Football Manager 2020, so you can customize what you want without messing up the original skins.