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YACS FM 2020 Skin

YACS for Football Manager 2020 by bossland. One of the best skin for FM20. Version 1.2 released on May 21st on Steam workshop.

By Updated on May 21, 2020   907980 views   26 comments
Direct Download Steam Workshop
Downloads: 33165 / Size: 29.8 MB / Added: 2019-11-19
Football Manager 2020 Skins - YACS FM 2020 Skin
The official YACS skin for Football Manager 2020. Comes in two versions.

Box transparency and the Background Selector are removed from the skin this year.
However, if you want them, there's a second version of the skin called "YACS T" which you can select.

Last Updated on May 21st - Version 1.2

YACS FM20 Preview

Special version

Download YACS without attribute boxes
This should remove all boxes. You might want to pick new Attribute Colours in the Preferences as the standard colours are to dark without the boxes.

How to install the YACS FM20 skin

  1. Download the .zip archive and use a tool such as 7-zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for MacOSX to extract its contents. Avoid using WinRAR as it tends to corrupt files.

  2. Move the "YACS" and "YACS T" folders to your skins folder:
    \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2020\skins\

  3. Run Football Manager 2020 and go to Preferences.
    You should see "YACS” and "YACS T" as options in the skin drop down.
    Hit the Confirm button.

If there is already a earlier version of YACS

Please delete any old version of YACS if you want to update the skin. Merging versions can / will bug the skin.

1) Delete it and not just replace the content.
2) Right click on YACS_2020.7z and choose "7-Zip > Extract Here"
3) Inside FM: Open Preferences and select the skin. Clear Cache and Reload the skin.
4) For all changes to take effect, restart FM while YACS is selected as skin.

Additional Steps (optional)

Since there are some technical issues with properties files.
0) Read the reason below this steps!
1) Find Location: "Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2020 > skins > YACS > properties"
2) Right click on "league stage properties.7z" and choose "7-Zip > Extract Here"
3) Select the skin and then Restart FM for all effects to take place.

The reason for that:
FM will use the properties files of the skin that was selected on starting the game.
This means that changes i made to these files will not take effect until you select YACS as a skin and restart FM.
However this also means if you select a different skin and do not restart the changes i made will be still effecting that other skin, or vice versa.
There isn't much i can do about this but tell you.
This files, in this case, will change the League Table fonts to be a little thicker and colour some of them. If you don't want that, skip this altogether.


How to get rid of the blurring effect when saving the game
Find and delete Line 24 inside: "YACS > panels > game > game processing panel.xml"

How to make the match stats panel a bit wider on the in between highlights screen
Locate: "YACS > panels > match > match in between highlights panel.xml"
Play around with line 6 : "<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="-4,-5,-4" offset="0" />"
-4,-5,-4 is what you want to change. Try something like -5,-5,-5

Skin Credits

This amazing skin is created by bossland and shared here with his kind permission.
You can find him on SI forums.

Direct Download Steam Workshop
Downloads: 33165 / Size: 29.8 MB / Added: 2019-11-19
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Discussion: YACS FM 2020 Skin

26 comments have been posted so far.

  • BabyBearNBabes's avatar
    seriously my favorite
  • AdzXtremeMixer's avatar
    Big Col, if you delete the YACS2020 folder it'll fix it. I had the same issue and it was down to only moving the YACS2020 folder over and not the YACS2020 Base over as well. Do it all with the game off as well.
  • Big Col's avatar
    Please help !!
    I downloaded and installed the yacs files as suggested and can no longer load fm after restarting, I just get a loading screen ???
  • Batesy1508's avatar
    Originally when I clicked on any player it would go onto the the Overview/Profile page but for some reason it randomly started going onto Overview/Attributes is there any way to change this?
  • markjewlbrew's avatar
    Love the skin, thank you
  • shai's avatar
    the skin look great
    but one thing that I have problem iis when I go to player page on the overview the profile page is empty.
    I need to go to attribute to see the info about the player.
    is it bug or I do something wrong?
  • Rekoshooter's avatar
    How to add players pictures in Competition overview? I mean where indicated how many goals scored, man of the match and etc.
  • PavelT's avatar
    For me is a best from the best skin for FM :)
    Thank u so much for this work!
  • Saran1991's avatar
    how to edit panels in player profile below ability
  • jcdenton's avatar
    Thanx for the skin. It's great.
  • Polos91's avatar
    Can i have YACS without attribute box with Box transparency and the Background Selector????
  • Rekoshooter's avatar
    Thank you for this great skin. But I want to see players faces on the tactic pitch. Do you have such a file to add?
  • Kefiren's avatar
    I really like this skin, but I also like the option to use Instant Result, would it be possible to make a YACS skin with instant result? :)
  • Vangelius's avatar
    Hi, love your skin.
    I have an issue, in the news section, every time I choose to show only news and not social, it reverts to news & social every time I click the continue button
  • jbjAgent's avatar
    Hey I dont know a lot about how skins work. Love this one. I really like the look of the player overview/profile page. The two cards with the picture and the info. Like the first screenshot on this page. Is there a way so that I get that page when I click on a player..

    Also I have no 'name' like inbox in my left menu, only the icons.
    And just like Umbersun78 Mu club overview page is a bit different then shown here.

    Super Job on the skin though!!!
  • Umbersun78's avatar
    I love the first (left) column on the club's overview page but on my PC it shows different. What I really loved to see were the way the 3 kits were shown, but not as it appears on my game.
  • Stam's avatar
    Update to latest version 0.5.0 which brings plenty of adjustments and smaller changes around the skin and a few smaller fixes.
    Please delete any old version of YACS if you want to update the skin. Merging versions can / will bug the skin.
  • Dazburke's avatar
    My crowd as disappeared from my match engine on all my skins any ideas
  • Scottishness85's avatar
    Skin Looks sweet ,Agree with other comment it also reminds me of the older games .
  • SeaCarrot's avatar
    Theres a bug, on the club profile page, the 'last starting 11' shown is for the last opposition lineup instead of the team we are viewing.
  • kroja's avatar
    YACS FAQ - doesn't work
  • IronHulk's avatar
    Could you design this for other laptop screen sizes?
  • Nawapon's avatar
    Help solve problems
  • Nawapon's avatar
  • WesleySneijder's avatar
    DANDY - it does look good. Reminiscent of the older games (like my favourite, FM13), so it's something I'll enjoy.

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