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PortuGOALS: 4-1-2-2-1 system which destroyed Switzerland

Using Portugals huge 6-1 win over Switzerland to create a very different 4-1-2-2-1 system which you've never seen before.

By Updated on Dec 10, 2022   17785 views   2 comments
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Downloads: 1969 / Size: 42.6 kB / Added: 2022-12-10
I used Portugal's win over Switzerland to create a shape I have NEVER used on FM before. A 4-1-2-2-1, with two CMs, two AMs and width from the Left Back.

Tested with Benfica and Portugal.




This is so key to your team understanding this tactic.

Weekly Match prep, including teamwork and match tactics are needed to help the players understand what's going on, as well as Match Review after each fixture.

Do this early and throughout the season and you will see the benefits.

For the individual players, train them for the position they are going to play and the tactic will benefit.

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Downloads: 1969 / Size: 42.6 kB / Added: 2022-12-10
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