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UEFA Leagues for FM24 by MasterIgor v24.5

Leagues and cups in real formats for all missing member federations of the UEFA (Europe). (for Official 24.3.0 Database only)

By Updated on Sep 25, 2024   64077 views   82 comments
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Football Manager 2024 League Updates - UEFA Leagues for FM24 by MasterIgor v24.5
Hello everyone,

here is the league pack for nations/federations in Europe.

! for Official 24.3.0 Update Database only !
Creating the world is a very time consuming task, and I do not have the time to support and test all databases. So I am going with the latest version only. The bright side is that it is for free. Tips are more than welcome though :-)

This file contains leagues and cups in real formats for the missing member federations of UEFA as well as some lower tiers for existing members.

please see the readme.html for details.

- Germany (GER): Fixed Verbandspokale. They now run every year and with correct teams.
- Ukraine (UKR): removed affiliation from Kudrivka which was blocking promotion
- added lower leagues for: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Switzerland, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine
- Kazachstan (KAZ): added League Cup
- Armenia (ARM): added 2nd tier
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH): Fixed qualification to Bosnian Cup - best 8 teams from both 2nd tier leagues qualify. Also added variable relegation
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH): Fixed prize money (was 1 zero too much)
- Montenegro (MNE): Fixed season dates causing a crash
- San Marino (SMR): Fixed (added correct) history entry for the league
- Faroer (FRO): Scandinavians are no longer concidered foreigners
- Many Nations: set professional status for most top tiers to prevent teams going semi-professional

I would like to thank:
- Nuno from Portugal for research and testing
- Lars for testing and feedback
- DaveIncid for testing and advice

I wish you a lot of success in your managerial adventures in Europe.

Master Igor.

(other packs: here is an overview)

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Downloads: 13712 / Size: 446.4 kB / Added: 2024-04-19
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Discussion: UEFA Leagues for FM24 by MasterIgor v24.5

82 comments have been posted so far.

  • MasterIgor's avatar
    M7: I will check this, but I can imagine what it is. Normally B/2 teams are directly created as such in the FM24 database, but not so for Germany (I don't know why). There the B/2 teams have their own entries in the database and are linked as minor affiliations.
    That means that when I try to select teams for cups, the checkbox "ignore B teams" does not work :-(. And I cannot use the checkbox "ignore minor affiliations" because that would ignore also feeder teams.
    Probably I will need to explicitly ignore all known B/2 teams. I will investigate this.
  • M7's avatar
    "- Germany (GER): Fixed Verbandspokale. They now run every year and with correct teams."

    Unfortunately, the 2nd team are enabled to play in the DFB Pokal.
    After BVB II got 2nd in the 1st Season, they play in the DFB Pokal the 2nd season. (The Top 4 of 3.Liga qualifies for the DFB Pokal the season after)

    But in RL, 2nd Teams are not allowed to play in the DFB Pokal.

    Your GER file is the only one which touches Germany I use, so u might want to check if there is something wrong in the file.
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    @wonbrz: the set that changes to 2024/2025 season is probably not compatible with all of my files. Because where needed, I also made changes to teams in the leagues
    @bedi: that can be, I will check for a future update
  • Bedi's avatar
    Hello, there is second teams of Armenia missing (there is only the first teams fort most of them)
  • wonbrz's avatar
    Hi, thanks for all the work :) I have a question - in the entire set that changes FM24 to FM25 leagues, there is a SirTavares file regarding improved relegations and promotions. Unfortunately, Bosnia and Georgia are failing at this, especially Georgia, where there are too many teams in the 2nd league and too few teams in the 3rd league. Are you in some way inside? :) regards!
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    @joe124: thanks for clarifying. Yes it seems that competition stops working if there is an edited Italy file. In the FM Editor, the competition actually simulates and works fine, but in-game it does not. So I am a bit puzzled.
    Actually, when I create(extend) an Italy file, it does not create or copy a rule for this cup. Maybe it is an issue with the editor?
    The only idea I have to fix this is to export the original rules and clone it in my Italy file. I will add it to my long list of to-do's. But I don't know when I will have time to fix it.
  • joe124's avatar
    @MasterIgor Sorry i didn't realise that Real name fix from sortitoutsi changes it to Viareggio. This tournament is called Youth Club Invitational (ID:43131832) in original database. And without Italy file it works
  • milenec11's avatar
    Hello @masterlgor is the transfers and promotion relegation updated for season 24/25 in this file ?
    Thanks in advance and for your work
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    @joe124: there is no Viareggio Cup in the FM24 database. Upon research, I did find an update from sortitoutsi which includes this competition in the database, but if there is no rule file, there won't be a competition. Also, since this is not an update from SI, it is most likely not compatible with my files.
  • joe124's avatar
    If use Italy file Viareggio Cup isn't working. It is on U20's competition list, but it never starts
  • CieWolf1970's avatar
    @MasterIgor You were right about the CONCACAF but also the OFC. They will not work with what i am using (WSL by Darthfurion which is a fantasy league) but the AFC CLE, AFC CL2 and AFC CL are working.
    As with why i choose the Italy league by the other guy is because his seems to have more extras. Nothing wrong with yours at all. But maybe (i can send you a link to his page if you like?) you can convince me to use yours ? hehe
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    @CieWolf1970: you can always use other files for nations if you want. The only thing where things will not always work is when you use my continental files (CONCACAF and AFC) - those will not always work with nation mods from other people. But in UEFA I don't have that.

    Apart from that, I would like to know if the reasons are mistakes in my Italy file, so I can fix things in the future.
  • CieWolf1970's avatar
    @MasterIgor Is it ok if i use an other italy and england mod instead of yours or do they conflict with your uefa mod?
  • MasterIgor's avatar

    @aresm: this is how Netherlands leagues work in real

    @Grezza93: no, and I don't know.

    @taraji.tounsi: please be more specific about what is not working.
  • taraji.tounsi's avatar
    Italy isn't working
  • Grezza93's avatar
    Are there any plans to create the Welsh League Pyramid at all? If not, does anyone know if anyone else has created this? :)
  • aresm's avatar
    привет. Нет перехода между 2 и 3 дивизионом голландии..
  • plackojad's avatar
    @MAsterIgor Thank you for fixing German cups! :)
  • Olestol's avatar
    Thank you wery much! Now I can win Champions League with Kudrivka
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    @AiZaK: not this weekend I think. Though UEFA fixes and FIFA Club Competitions are ready, CONCACAF is giving me a headache and I want to release all of them together.
  • AiZaK's avatar
    Hi MasterIgor, can you expect when is coming the last updates for Concacaf, Uefa,... & Intercontinental Cup?? Today? For the weekend? Next week?
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    @Olestol: you are right, Desna is not in any league. I tested in the editor and removed the affiliation and Kudrivka got promoted. So it seems the Desna affiliation is indeed blocking although it should not. I don't know why. I suspect it to be a bug in FM24.
    I will make a fix where the affiliation is removed.
  • Olestol's avatar
    I check my save. Desna is the senior affiliate, but they non-league team. How they can blocking promotion? In rules i read that Karpaty-2, Ruch-2, Kremin-2, Metalurh-2 and Kudrivka are ineligible for promotion. First four team is the second squads, but Kudrivka not. If I delete affiliate betveen Kudrivka and Desna in in-game editor, they will can promoted?
  • Olestol's avatar
    MasterIgor Desna don't play in the Premier League since 2022. In FM Desna is the non-league team.
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    @Olestol: I did not set any explicit rules. If I check the database, then Kudrivka has an affiliation with Desna (who plays in premier league). Perhaps this is blocking the promotion? (e.g. Desna is relegated or already only 1 tier higher)

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