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Football Manager 2011 Patch 11.1.1

The 2nd patch is a save game compatible hotfix

By Updated on Nov 13, 2010   93844 views   2 comments
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Downloads: 19399 / Size: 175.1 kB / Added: 2010-11-13
If you’ve downloaded the previous patch (11.1.0) we still highly recommend that you download the new patch (11.1.1) to experience the most up-to-date and best Football Manager 2011 experience.
SI decided to release a patch/hotfix addressing some of the issues raised on their forums - including issues related to the Spanish league suspensions and the French national team.

If you haven’t downloaded the previous patch (11.1.0) please be aware that by downloading the new patch (11.1.1) you will automatically get all of the previous changes / fixes from previous patches, so there is no need to download 11.1.0 and 11.1.1 – just download the latest version 11.1.1.

Steam purchasers or any boxed copy users who have registered their game through Steam DO NOT need to download this patch as you will automatically be playing the most up-to-date version of Football Manager 2011 due to the automatic updates that Steam provide. Doing so manually may cause issues with your version of Football Manager 2011.

Please note, there are separate patches for retail copies of the game and digital download versions (not including Steam). Please make sure you download the version that is correct for your copy of the game.

If you’re in Russia you will see that you have specific patches for your game, please make sure that you download and update you game using these patches.

Finally, it is well highlighted, but please make sure you download the correct patch between PC & Mac versions.
If you try and download the incorrect version of the patch Football Manager 2011 should stop you from installing this and give you a message saying this is not the correct patch.

For the full change list click here

Download mirrors:
Download link at the top is the PC Disc version. The SEGA mirrors will be pointing to the latest patch available, so your best bet is to try the FileSonic mirrors if you really want that older patch version.

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Downloads: 19399 / Size: 175.1 kB / Added: 2010-11-13
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