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Full-time concentrated training schedules - Evo

Diverse collection of heavy schedules for full-time professional players

By Updated on Dec 01, 2010   79364 views   8 comments
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Downloads: 16230 / Size: 7.2 kB / Added: 2010-12-01
FM 2011 Training Schedules - Full-time concentrated training schedules - Evo

If you’re the kind of manager who likes to sign professional players who are willing to go that extra mile in training then these schedules are for you. These schedules are very effective and intense. They are focused on developing specific attribute sets for positions without compromising the basic training needs for a players position. E.g. A player on DC - aer - (H) will have extra focus on aerobic training while still receiving good training in strength/defending/tactics etc.

You can download as zip and extract or download individual files, save to: documents>sports interactive>football manager2011>schedules

  • Schedules are designed for professional players (professionalism 10 or higher), they will be pleased with their training schedule workload.
  • Players with low professionalism (9 or lower) will become “unhappy with the high training workload” on these schedules.
  • Schedule intensity is 1 click inside “very heavy”, this may seem intense but after 3 seasons of testing in 2 different games with basic facilities I’ve experienced no issues with injuries so long as players are happy with their schedule.

GK - Han - (H) - focused on keepers handling ability
GK - Ref - (H) - focused on keepers shot stopping ability
DC - Aer - (H) - focused on developing defenders aerobic attributes
DC - Str - (H) - focused on developing defender strength attributes
DC - Tck - (H) - focused on developing defenders defensive abilities
DRL - Def - (H) - focused on improving full/wing backs defensive skills
DRL - Att - (H) - focused on improving full/wing backs attacking skills
MC - Phy - (H) - focused on increasing midfielders physical attributes
MC - Def - (H) - focused on increasing midfielders defensive attributes
MC - Tac - (H) - focused on developing midfielders tactical attributes
MC - Att - (H) - focused on developing midfielders attacking attributes
MRL - Spe - (H) - focused on increasing a wingers speed
MRL - Tec - (H) - focused on increasing a wingers technical skills
ST - Phy - (H) - focused on strikers physical attributes
ST - Tec - (H) - focused on improving striker attacking/shooting skills

Hope this training is useful for you,


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Downloads: 16230 / Size: 7.2 kB / Added: 2010-12-01
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Discussion: Full-time concentrated training schedules - Evo

8 comments have been posted so far.

  • dinho80's avatar
    my players are hurt very often i play with ac milan

    sory for my english
  • vivalaheroin's avatar
    hmmm may check this 1 cout.... ta mush
  • heyhowie's avatar
    Terrific. No longer shall my talents waste away.

  • Evo's avatar
    Oh yeah! I must've compressed and uploaded my tactics by accident. This has been fixed now, the full download has all the training schedules and a bonus tactic. :D
  • ireland's avatar
    hello it's me again I may have figured out how to do, I was confused, I hope that your training can raise the players, this year I do not think there is a universal practice but you have to create a kind of laboratory individual, what do you think?
  • ireland's avatar
    I downloaded your training but when I open the folder inside there were some tactics
  • Evo's avatar
    These schedules are to the limit, one click higher on intensity and the professional players start becoming unhappy with the workload. It's also a good way of finding out how professional your players are without using a scouting tool.
  • joannes3000's avatar
    Interesting! I may try some of these schedules to see if some of my players will tolerate them. Excellent idea to maximize player growth.
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