Been an FM fan for years and I think I have finally cracked the game.
I designed a 343 which has got me scoring OVER 4 goals a game on average with a champions league win of 11-2 in my fourth season as manager of Hearts. I later went on to win the champions league in only 4 seasons using this ridiculous tactic.
Like many though it has small problems, the team might take a while adapting to it and AMR AML can be an issue if not man marked by your LM and RM.
The delight comes with the strikers and shadow striker who score BAGS between them. In my latest season just played I had my main striker score 68 goals in 55 games. My second striker score 42 in 45, third striker score 36 in 50. The assists come from all over the park mainly from the LM, RM, STs and SS.
Its the most fun I've had with any tactic on FM so far, and I hope you all enjoy it.
Set Pieces
This is the set pieces I use for it as wellDownload Set Pieces - Routine Collection
Discussion: Vertical Tika Taka / 4 goals a game
15 comments have been posted so far.
So are the individual instructions for this in the tactic or do you have to set it up for when you play games against clubs with AMR and AML? (Remind me where to do that
Also, I hit load all but don't see them showing up in set pieces.
Only tested for a few games but looks good! Playing with Tottenham
You can convert your Robertsons and TAAs to play LM and RM to aid in the Work Rate and defensive nature you need to take for certain games
C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\set pieces
Keep me posted with how you are all finding it!