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4141 Vodu Walking Dead 14.1.3

Simple style of playing. Easy to use. I don´t promise the sky, but it works good for me.

By on Nov 21, 2013   36032 views   6 comments
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Downloads: 5150 / Size: 992 B / Added: 2013-11-21
FM 2014 Tactics - 4141 Vodu Walking Dead 14.1.3
My first time here, after I was being invited to post something here by the facebook FMscout team.

Simple style of play, basic I can say. Through the wings, the ball goes many times to the winger, he tries to destroy the full back, creates breaks in the opposition and goes for the goal or crossing. I´m getting some primacy using this system.

As we all know the match engine has some issues and we need to be aware of that. Accept it and hopefully wait for a new patch that perhaps solve it.


Critical success factors / some information:

- As usually I always try to use fast players, at least in the defense and in the wings. The wingers MUST be fast, depending on them you will have sucess or not in this ME.

- OI´s for my assistant

- Team talks are a mix between my assistant and me. The important thing is to get the maximum greens as possible. At this time, everyone already knows how to do it.

- Central defender right is my corner boy. Don´t stress if you see the set pieces standard... it works like that.

- The center midfielders can be DMC or MC. I use this kind of player because I gain pressing and tackling power. I don´t need high creativity players to transitions/construction because the progressions are done by the wings (full back+winger) mostly.

- A complete Striker is my preference as usual. But a highly skilled header works good also.

- Sometimes in the last minutes I change mentality to "contention" when i want to save a goal ahead.

- About the training. Again, I try to keep simple as possible. Team training balanced/medium and game training "tactics" with standard %. In the pre-season 1 or 2 weeks physical preparation right in the beginning, when the payers arrive from holidays, and sometimes 1 weeks of cohesion. The important is to fill the bars as soon as possible.

I cannot say very much, every player needs to give their stamp in the save, this is only some lines, but you don´t need to do exactly like I do. Pay attention to training, team talks, staff and the normal things, and you will be closer to succeed.

If this help 1 guy at least, it worth the effort.

Have fun, eventually. Good games. Greetings!

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Downloads: 5150 / Size: 992 B / Added: 2013-11-21
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Discussion: 4141 Vodu Walking Dead 14.1.3

6 comments have been posted so far.

  • Vodu's avatar
    @ Stam: I only posted it because you invited, that´s for sure. I found it nice for your side. Normally foruns are a bit diferent (for worst) and i empathize with this when i saw how it works and that have people that know what are doing. And then i think...why will take half hour and i practice some English. Again, thanks for the invite and continue what i see as a good way to a great forum, as it already seems to be.

    @Michaelandrews: sometimes some guys come to me and say me that someone post one of my tactics as their own or that many tactic makers (whatever you want to call it...) make their tactics based on mine. Normally i don´t care, i helped anyway. Sooner or later the people will see it. I post tactics when i want and where i feel it´s right to do it ;)

  • Stam's avatar
    @michaelandrews: FM Scout always had quality control and high sensitivity against plagiarism; we actually care for proper attribution. So whoever has been stealing Vodu's tactics, it certainly wasn't someone around here. Other sites have bad reputation when it comes to stealing...

    @Vodu: I'm glad you followed my invitation on Facebook. You should go to your account settings to add a bio with link to your blog and your Facebook page (which shows at the bottom of all pages you create). Otherwise, I can edit this page to add the links there instead. It should help indicate who you really are.
  • michaelandrews's avatar
    Vodu said that we wouldn't be sharing any more tactics because brits always stole his tactics.
  • Vodu's avatar
    Yes i am. I don´t know any other Vodu (or Mister Vodu), at least from Portugal.
  • Stam's avatar
    @michaelandrews: How do you know? I believe he actually is.
  • michaelandrews's avatar
    too bad you are not vodu
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