I present to you a new format available and we talk about high-performance tactics. In what sense do you perform? in the sense that they are not inspired by any real coach but perform precisely in #footballmanager2024. I won't tell you anything else since I will explain this definition well in the video. As you may have noticed in the video, the tactics will be named and inspired by Dragonball characters.
Today we talk about Krillin's 4-2-3-1. Why inspired by him? I also explain this in the video but in short it's because it's an underground tactic. What is an underground tactic: This too, like all the other definitions of these tactics, I explain in the video but they would be the tactics for every type of team, especially the small ones and Krillin being the least gifted of all the #dragonball characters I decided to name it after him.
Results in the video but as you will have seen on the cover, with one team I won all the cups.
Results in the video
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Discussion: 4-2-3-1 Crillin of Magicomonta - All Cups
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