leave info if this tactic works.
for me it works good (20 seasons save)
you can change DM & CM to 2 BALL WINNING MIDFIELDERS ( one Defensive & one Support)
Fox in the box
shadow striker - shadow striker- shadow striker
Central Mid
Defensive Mid
wing back- Ball Playing Defender - Ball Playing Defender - wing back
Training schedule from this guy : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv9ZTHnSzbU&t=39s
My modified schedule : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3324278706
Goals for: aprox 110-130
goals ag: aprox. 30-50
some stats :
Tactic review:
Discussion: Triple False 9 / SOLID 4-2-3-1
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