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4-3-3 A Hole In The Hleb

This is the FM 2018 tactic i'm using on my current Journeyman play-through on YouTube. A solid 4-3-3 tactic which leaves you scoring a lot of goals.

By on Dec 01, 2017   36839 views   1 comments
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Downloads: 4172 / Size: 286.0 kB / Added: 2017-12-01
Football Manager 2018 Tactics - 4-3-3 A Hole In The Hleb
Currently on my Journeyman play-through. We're playing as Osipovichi in the Belarusian First League.

A solid 4-3-3 tactic which leaves you scoring a lot of goals but unfortunately you do concede a lot too. Decent results so far for a team that should be finishing mid table.

As it is a narrow tactic we play with 2 Mezzallas either side of a CM. This has been changed to whatever the player in the middles best role is and it doesn't seem to make much difference. AP, DLP and B2B seem to work just fine.

The 3 poachers seem to link up beautifully and will quite often seek each other out with a through ball or low cross here and there.

Back Line is pretty standard though i have not tried this tactic with wingbacks yet... My defenders aren't the quickest or fittest out there!

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Downloads: 4172 / Size: 286.0 kB / Added: 2017-12-01
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