Германй - Germany
I am here in Germany to manage Kazakhstan against the German team. But first, for the draw against Sweden, I take my team to a festival, where I take players to a festival called Oktoberfest. I guess that we drink lots of a drink called 'Oktober'."Wie viele Biere wurden Sie heute gerne?" said this man, apparently called Klaus.
"What do I sa..." "Sprechen Sie kasachisen?"
"Nein. Niemand spricht kasachise."
"What does that mean?"
"Ah, you speak English!. How many beers vould you like?"
"I need an 'Oktober'."
"This is your first time in Germany, ya?"
"Yes, but Kazakhstan likes your country."
"You kill Jews, yes?"
"Ve don't do that any more, we like the yews now."
"Hahahaha. That is a joke, yes?"
"I'm not yoking."
"We must leave now."

Even though it is Germany, and Germany are good, people still say that we gave Germany a mouth party. This is wrong. We played well. 3-0 is not that bad. We will now go back to Kazakhstan to play a province of Germany, called "Austria".
MrJK, it is great you feel that way. I like you. Is nice!