- Edinburgh?, Scotland: 1:17am, Present Date.
*Phone Ringing*
???: Bah, who can it possibly be ringing at this time of the night? Hello?...
A soothing familiar voice spoke on the other end.
???: Sean, how you been old friend? Still enjoying your retirement I take it?
Sean: M, how bizzare hearing from you at this time, surely it must be something highly important...?
The female voice on the other end of the phone took a deep breath before speaking, and proceeded with a quiet pause.
M: It would be best if you came to my office in London, it is not matters we can discuss simply over the telephone, once again I am very sorry to disturb you at this time of the night, but I suppose it had to be done, I'll be hearing from you soon.
She had put the phone down, I stood there wondering what all the commotion was about, it was late into the night and I had just been called out of retirement and back into the force, what could have been so important? I wondered.
And so I took the first plane to London, walked into M's office. I sat down, reached into my pocket to grab the lit cigarette left in my pack, as I had been smoking all night, light a match and nodded to her to proceed.
M: Sean, I'm sorry for having brought you all the way here but our matters could not have been discussed on a reachable phone line, you're probably used to this proceedure anyway.
Sean: I am, just not quite used to being called in from retirement yet, but I guess I'll have to learn to, huh?
I said with a smirk on my face.
M: Now's not the time. Listen, we have received word that in Germany there is a group of Neo Nazi terrorists that have been scheming to produce, sell, and deploy weapons of mass destruction, nuclear warheads if you will.
Sean: Got it. So you want me to go there, kick the bad guys arses, retrieve the nuclear warhead plans, destroy all the evidence and put an end to their evil schemes, right? Standard procedure, not sure why you needed me to come back from retirement to pull this job, are there no other agents qualified?
M: It's quite not that simple.
She said as she turned around, flipped the chalked board which had written down a series of actions in sequences.
M: Here is the plan. You are to move in Germany, in Gelsenkirchen to be exact. You will play the role of a unknown promising football manager that will replace the local clubs previous manager, this will give you leverage to act freely around the club where it is believed that the Neo Nazis are operating - if the actual clubs board members are involved that is yet to be known. Your codename will be different then it has been in the past, 004.
Sean: What? 004? Are you joking?
She was having quite a laugh.
M: We cannot have them figuring out your identity, 004. If you fail in this mission I'm afraid a great calamity will be brought upon us, and millions of peoples lives will be indangered, now go time is of the essence. We shall be in contact.
I left her office ready to act, it was a peculiar job I had taken this time around it seems I would have to play a role as a football manager in the top sides of Germany and at the same time sneak around and try to find out as much as I could about their plans to build these dangereous warheads.
It wasn't going to be easy, but if there's something I had learned throughout the years is that the hardest challenges always proved to be the most rewarding in the long haull.
Time to head off to Gelsenkirchen.