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Genie 10 - Bugs and Acknowledgements

Started on 11 November 2009 by Stam
Latest Reply on 31 March 2010 by Luckz
  • POSTS31
  • VIEWS97687
Stam's avatar Administrators Stam
15 yearsEdited

FM Genie Scout 10 RC1 is not the final version, and thus it's not bug-free. However, it was released because it should work for most people already (it is working for me and many others).

I get an error. Help?!

Whatever error you're getting, PLEASE TRY THIS FIRST:

- While you are in FM, go to Preferences.
- Un-tick "Compress Save Games" and hit Confirm.
- Save your game again.
- Try to load your fresh save game on FM Genie Scout 10!

Reports from our users:

* If you get error loading 10.1 save games, it might be because you had initially started your game with 10.0 and continued it with 10.1. Try starting a new 10.1 game and see if it works!
* Error disappears when you don't include Scotland leagues in your game.
* If your save game is bigger than 80MB, it might cause an error.

I'm still getting an error. Help!!!

We are trying out best to keep your feedback organized, so it will be easier for Eugene to track down all problems and fix them for next version.

We'd appreciate if you take a little time to do the following actions:

- Upload the problematic save game to a free hosting site such as RapidShare or FileFront (zip or rar it first, so the size is as small as possible).

- Start a new topic here (would be ideal if you take a look at existing topics first and see if your problem has been already posted).

- Explain the problem you are getting (either in text or in screenshot) and give link to your uploaded save game.

Don't bother sending me a private message or an email with your problems, I will ignore them.

Does it work with patch 10.1?

Yes, it does. It should work with 10.0 and 10.1. However, there's still a question if it has compatibility issues with the Steam version, as most people on that version have reported problems so far.

Update: "You can't load 10.1 saves with a 10.0 game version (an error message pops if you attempt to do it). My save is originally a 10.0, but after patch was released, I continued it with 10.1." (by yabbagabb)
Try starting a new 10.1 game and see it that works!

Is it compatible with Windows 7?

Yes! I'm running Windows 7 and it runs fine. In fact, it should be compatible with Windows XP, Vista and 7.
On Vista and 7 it is better to "Run as administrator", so you avoid warning messages about the font and language.

I'm on a Mac, how can I use this?

FM Genie Scout 10 was created for Windows, but you could try using it through Darwine. We had a report from someone having success this way:
"Works fine for me on a Mac with Darwine. Just make sure to untick the 'Compress save games' option in Preferences. Thanks Eugene!", Pfft @ SI forums

There was also a report from macooz having success using CrossOver.
Check out his blog guide: Fm Genie Scout for Mac with CrossOver

Why does the maximum PA of a player is not utilized when judging what their 'potential attributes' will be? Sometimes it uses all the points but sometimes there is a massive 'difference'. Doesn't this prove to display a wrong or unfinished 'potential rating'?

No, it's correct as it is. It depends on the player's age; an older player won't reach his optimum PA, so Genie shows the PA he could reach, whereas with most younger players Genie should show their full PA.

Where's the download link?

While you are on the FM Genie Scout 10 download page, the download link can be found at the top of that page. There's a black text in caps saying "DOWNLOAD FM Genie Scout 10". I have initially uploaded the file on RapidShare, but people were having problems downloading it, which seemed normal afterwards, as RS can't handle too many free slots at once. Thus, there was a FileFront mirror added as the main download link (that on top). You can still find all available download mirrors at the bottom of our FM Genie Scout 10 page.


Bugs reported

I'll try to update this once per day.
Please remember that the solutions shown here are temporary, meaning that most of those errors (if not all) should be fixed with the next version of FM Genie Scout 10.

Loading error
Contract data seems to be corrupt.


Similar report:
Error Loading Entity Number: 2440
File Position: 20792562
Fatabase Version: 1356
Contract data seems to be corrupt, make sure your version of the FM Genie Scout 10 is the latest!
Contract Type: 255.

Save game:

Similar report: Screenshot
Save game:

Our user MrWixi suggested this: "After much playing around, restarting seasons and changing the nations selected, I have discovered that it worked when I de-selected Scotland from the selection. Every save I tried with them in failed, but all those without them in loaded fine in FM Genie Scout". So, until next Genie version, try this fix.

Loading error
Person data seems to be corrupt.

Save game:

Similar report: Screenshot
Save game:

Similar report:

If you get error loading 10.1 save games, it might be because you had initially started your game with 10.0 and continued it with 10.1. Try starting a new 10.1 game and see if it works! (by yabbagabb)
Important note (by Qbz):
Size of save game seems to matter.
Working: 112mb-?
Not working (Person data): 208mb (uploaded
Not working (Integer Overflow): ?-204mb

Loading error
Data file seems to be corrupt.

error loading entity number: 921
file position: 101699318
database version: 1356
data file seems to be corrupt. wanted to read 537004040 bytes, could only read 86612496 bytes

Save game:

Similar report:
Error Loading Entity Number: 2306
File Position: 142458373
Database Version: 1356
Data files seem to be corrupt. Wanted to read 263061866 bytes, could only read 123172157 bytes

Save game:

Similar report:
error loading entity number: 456
file position: 19188664
contract data seems to be corrupt
database version: 1356
data file seems to be corrupt. wanted to read 537004040 bytes, could only read 86612496 bytes

Similar report:
Loading error
Data file seems to be corrupt.
error loading entity number: 921
file position: 101699318
database version: 1356
data file seems to be corrupt. wanted to read 537004040 bytes, could only read 86612496 bytes


Loading error
Integer Overflow.


Save game:

There's a possibility that if your save game is bigger than 80MB, you'll get this error. Try loading less leagues to make your save game smaller than 80MB. (by luiscastro)

Font problem
Cannot create file "C:\Windows\Fonts\verabd.ttf". Access is denied.


Probably happens if you are on Windows Vista / 7. It's an insignificant bug, as the program runs fine after you hit "OK", but there's a solution. You just need to right-click on and select "Run as administrator" once. Then every next time you try to run the program it won't show this error.

Language issue when loading save game
The Language database must be loaded to have an ability searching by Division.


Probably happens if you are on Windows Vista / 7. It's an insignificant bug, as the program runs fine after you hit "OK", but there's a solution. You just need to right-click on and select "Run as administrator". Though not once, but every time you want to run the program.

Editing database problem

"When I change the team number of a league in database, the saved data can't be loaded."




Current Ability should be added as rating coefficient by ozzymanborn

In Genie 2008 CA were a rating coefficient and I had better results when searching the player I wanted. In Genie 2009 ability dropped as part of the rating and currently still not a part in genie scout 10...
Why I give that some importance because genie ratings give mental traits as "0" but they're part of the players current ability. Also freekicks, throw ins and even long shots not in genie ratings...
I'm not usually search player for ability but for ratings but also abilities important and mixing abilities/ratings will be have greater results...
Specially after with new panels we can see current ability in the game... But Why genie important because we can see the abilities and more as ratings ...
I hope this will be added for next release...


To be continued...

This is the link for the save I am trying to upload.

I have used Genie for the last few games of the FM series, I find it very useful and I am keen to get this version working.

I am having problems with loading contract data and I really don't want to have to restart the save without loading the Scottish leagues, not because I love the SPL but because I don't want to have to start all over again.

If I am going to have to wait until a new version of Scout is released do you have any idea when that will be. I am currently using FMRTE as a search tool so I have something to use, I just rate Scout a lot more highly and would prefer to use it.
best option is to play without the tools :).

that is very useful, imo that is the only thing needed. you can use that and fmrte for now until genie comes out. im quite sure it's not gonna be too long until a new genie is released.
jaymebarton's avatar Group jaymebarton
15 yearsEdited
MD5: 21B4C241A5D6A05003E65464ED596A5A
This is the link for the saved game I am trying to upload.
Is the 80mb limit something that can be worked around? Is it intended to be fixed? I like to play with large DBs and lots of leagues. My savegames are 150-200mb.
Bechii's avatar Group Bechii
15 yearsEdited
I have noticed quite a few bugs in RC1.

It appears to be missing data, possibly not reading some of the lines in the database correctly.

The "clubs list" section seems to be the worst. It doesnt display all of a teams players correctly within the tactics window.
This is my problem
for me it works fine.

some of you might fix your problems by running it as administrator.
"Can't allocate the DIB handle."

Windows 7

Version of FM 2010 ( 10.0.0 80381(m.e v806))

How do I fix this problem?
Because it appears?
rc1 worked great for me, but then when i downloaded and tested rc2 i get the "Can't allocate the DIB handle" error and now when i run rc1 again i get the same error...

It worked without any problems before i downloaded and tested rc2.
Thanks for your input guys. I will update the first post later :)
Hey, when I doubleclick on a player for more detailed info, I just get this blank screen:


Is this a common problem? Anybody know how to fix it?
Had a problem with the "Can't allocate the DIB handle" error, but a simple restart of the computer fixed that error.

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