FM16's Story of the Year

Another year has come and gone, everyone's throwing themselves into FM17's majesty and already the FM17 story forum is overflowing with some quality stories. However, before we can start naming Stories of the Month for FM17, there is the small matter of crowing FM16's Story of the Year
This year has seen some changes in Story of the Month - your previous host Feliks departed, and I took up the reins - admittedly, we've had some sketchy moments, but we've come through it largely unscathed - and you guys have written some incredible stories.
Deciding how to nominate for Story of the Year is always tricky. This year, I opted to give each winner of Story of the Month an automatic nomination, and then sought an additional nomination from each SotM judge, giving us 10 nominated stories in total! These nominations are as follows:
Liverpool Sucks! An Everton Journey - CJ Lippo
Adam Chabukiani: Defying All Odds - Jack
To The Edge And Back - A Pentagon Challenge - lewie100
Il Ritorno: Parma Calcio - mgriffin2012
Toulouse: La Cité Des Violettes - Griffo
Christian Schäfer - Der Professor - Justice
Raising Cain - tenthreeleader
American Calcio - tenthreeleader
The Retirement of Alex Taylor - ninjaskill
The Dream Comes First - Walter
Voting Closes Sunday, 6/11 at 5pm GMT