This is probably a little late to be posting this season, but I felt it could benefit the story-writing section of our community to have it here.
In this post, we celebrate the writers' work which has impressed us. We celebrate the Story of the Month winners, and those who have reached certain milestones for their stories (views & replies). I know the FM scene has taken a little bit of a bump in the last few years, but the work demonstrated by the writers here has been nothing short of tremendous.
In this post, we celebrate the writers' work which has impressed us. We celebrate the Story of the Month winners, and those who have reached certain milestones for their stories (views & replies). I know the FM scene has taken a little bit of a bump in the last few years, but the work demonstrated by the writers here has been nothing short of tremendous.
Useful Link: FM Story Writing Guidelines
Story of the Month Winners
April: Sami Heikkinen: The Winter Soldier | JusticeMay: Dan Thomas: A Danish Connection | ScottT
June: Redemption: The Story of the Nearly Men | JT
July: Les Canaris: FC Nantes | ScottT
July: Redemption: The Story of the Nearl Men | JT
Views Milestones
50,000+ Views(FM14) Drink up thee cider | andybooy
10,000+ Views
1. FC Magdeburg: A Rising In The East | mgriffin
Arsenal - Rise Again | TheN1866
FM Scout: The Hunger Games (FM18) | Justice
Rachel Williams: Breaking Down Barriers | ScottT
WeAreLiverpool | InvertedWingbBacks
Replies Milestones
500+ Replies(FM14) Drink up thee cider | andybooy
100+ Replies
FM Scout: The Hunger Games (FM18) | Justice
50+ Replies
1. FC Magdeburg: A Rising In The East | mgriffin
Dan Thomas: A Danish Connection | ScottT
FM17 - Out of His League | tenthreeleader
Georgio Dinamonte - The Story Of My Life | OMGItsToddzy
John Warrington: The Submarine Captain | JohnWarrington
The Fields Of Anfield Road | Aaron