A very big fee that you can now use to reinvest into the squad. Really stamping your mark on to the job and club which is always good to see.

Christmas Eve 2021
Sitting home with Bailey, my chocolate labrador pup, staring at the TV in a world of my own. When suddenly the coffee table vibrated, looking down at the phone “Sarah” was calling, she’s never called me, not once since last Christmas. A lump forming in my throat, I answered.
“Didn’t think you were talking to me.” I answered.
“You hurt me, Milan. Did you really expect anything other than that? But I haven't called for that. The kids want to see you for Christmas.” A smile beams across my face.
“I want nothing more than to see them. But i know how much you love spending special days with them.”
“Well, i’m with them as well. Despite everything, i’ve missed you. And we all want to spend the day together as a family.” Putting the drink down, i didn’t know what to do with myself.
“Sarah, you’ve made me the happiest person on this planet. Thank you.”
“We’re going to stay at the Leverhulme Hotel tonight and tomorrow. So we’ll be around say 9am tomorrow.”
“You don’t need a hotel, Sarah. You and the kids can stay here. I’ve got plenty of rooms. And you can have mine, i’ll sleep on the sofa.” I could sense the hesitance as she contemplated whether to accept or decline my offer.
“It’d definitely be easier. The kids would love to wake up with you there tomorrow. Ok, let’s do it. Are you sure we’re not putting you out?” Punching the air, not being able to hide my delight.
“Of course you’re not. You’re still my wife, and i’m not having you and my kids stay in a hotel when you can stay with me. And i’m sure Bailey and the kids will get on like a house on fire.”
“He’s my pup, get over here as soon as you can. Everything will be ready for you guys. And Sarah, you won’t regret this. Thank you.” Putting the phone down, downing the drink in front of me, i knew i had to get myself in order. Seeing my kids, Sarah, this means the world to me.
Sometime later
Hearing their car pull up into the drive, waiting until they came to a halt. And with a huge deep breath I opened the front door and the boys were first out as we all ran to one another, dropping to my knees embracing both my boys.
“God i’ve missed you guys.”
Hearing the car door close, looking up and seeing Grace standing there smiling at me. My little girl, starting to become a woman. Walking over she wrapped her arms around me, as i did the same.
“Missed you, Dad.” Those words brought me to tears, as i could hear Sarah ushering the boys through the front door.
“We best make our way inside.” I said kissing my daughter's forehead, as i could hear Alife and Lucas seemingly finding Bailey and shrieked in delight.
Jack: When i saw Merola there, i thought back to your story and how well he did at Fiorentina for you. So hoping he has the same effect for Inter.
Justice: That’s the hope, plenty of problem areas in this squad.
Seb: I’m following Sinatra and ‘Doing it my way’.