
The Build-Up To An Action-Packed Climax Of Action
Laughter filled the room as conversation flowed as freely as an Alpine stream. Elsa and myself had ventured to her family's mökki (holiday home) beside the town of Konnevesi in central Finland. We were joined by Elsa's brother Sami and his girlfriend Karina. Sami was tall, slim and had jet black hair which fell in locks to his shoulders. His face was gaunt, and his skin worn from years of military service and private security work. Karina originated from Prague in Czech Republic and has long straight scarlet-coloured hair which shined with a radiance of a terrifying beauty. She had soul-piercing green eyes and a smile which seemed to contain as many mysteries as a Russian doll. She described herself to be a free-lance accountant and financial advisor.
Sami and Karina proved to be good company. They were both well-traveled and spoke with respect, dignity and understanding. The pair had been involved with each other for the best part of a decade but had not yet tied the knot. They had professed that they were waiting for a time when they were more settled before engaging in the ancient act of matrimony. Despite the pair of them having aged into their mid-thirties, they appeared to live with a timeless youth and freedom that was not bound by responsibility. They were free souls.
The four of us sat together at a singular dinner table in the cabin. The icy wind of winter pelted the wood-formed walls and the windows of the cabin with a fierce power, sending flurries of snow to the ground from the high-heavens. The sun was close to setting but a chill had set into the air. The wooden cabin insulated us from the winter's cold embrace. A fire burned in a marble-clad stove in the centre of the cabin, heating us with tendrils of pleasant warmth. The fire burned from thick birch logs which crackled every few seconds as sparks formed from air bubbles inside the log exploding.
In front of each of us sat a bowl of pea soup and a side of dark rye bread. It was considered a very traditional meal in Finland, and a luxury to many. Small chunks of bacon and carrots floated in the soup, which we all engorged upon with an unfathomable content. Warmth filled our bellies as we wetted our lips with red wine. It was a simple meal but one made luxurious by the company of people who sat down to eat it. The four of us bonded over the meal. It was the first time I had met Sami Heikkinen and his partner Karina, and he had proved to be a pleasant companion.
The cabin provided an escape from reality for all of us. I had just completed by second season in charge of Peimari United and I arrived in Konnevesi to free my mind from the pressures of football. I had worked hard with Antti Eklund, the club's chairman, to put plans into motion ahead of the upcoming season. The club had recently turned professional and we had secured the signatures of a number of players. While three of those players signed during the end of last season, we had been actively searching through the world for a host of other players who were willing to join. We had secured two defenders, one Finn and one Englishman, to join our ranks before the beginning of next season. Two highly-rated prospects were due to join from US development sides during 2021.
The past year had not been without drama either. Since Rodrigo Soldado's attempt on the lives of Elsa and myself, I had thrown some of my free time into researching what the dragon which marked his arm stood for. It had a significance which was unknown to me at the time, and extensive research into the subject proved to be fruitless. Aside from a number of notable gangsters in Asian cities, such as Hong Kong and Taiwan, who bared the mark as a piece of artwork, and not as a significant symbol, there was no mention of the dragon anywhere. The origins of the mystery had eluded me.
Michael Scott had also made quite the impression on 2020. The cowardly Englishman had arrived in Finland to seek his own revenge on myself. He disrespected the privacy of my dead mother by digging up her corpse from her grave and performing cruel and distasteful acts on her. Crime scene investigators had concluded that Scott ejaculated onto the corpse, staining my mother with his curse. Investigators also discovered traces of a rare poison on my mother's corpse, but the traces were faint which suggested that the poison had found its way to her decades ago. The investigators were at a loss as to how the poison got there, but admitted that it was impossible for Scott to have put the poison there.
Michael Scott appeared to have vanished from existence since the event. While police were actively searching for the vile demon who violated my mother's sanctuary of rest, the English-born plague could not be found. Since the event which unfurled in mid-March, there was not so much as a whisper uttered of Michael Scott. His presence was no longer a known quantity, but the threat remained. He was a shadow in the back of my mind, threatening to break in and destroy the peace which I had come to in recent times.
Elsa giggled hysterically beside me following a joke which Sami had made. Elsa had drank more than her fair share of wine. She was a lightweight as it was, and her second glass of the blood-red intoxicating juice was enough to blur her vision and relax her other senses. She brushed my arm with her hand before squeezing my hand which rested upon my lap. Her warmth surged from her body to mine, and my affection from her made itself known as my fears gave way to the overpowering tide of love. I had my feelings known to her long ago and she reciprocated in kind. She was a woman who I wished to become married to, but I was waiting for a more private time to put myself on one knee. With Sami and Katrina present, it was not the right time.
An inexplicable connection lived between Elsa and myself. As we held hands, we were connected by more than just skin. I felt a strong bond to her, as if we shared each other's minds and souls. Our beings had merged into one and we were stronger for it. She brought out the best in me and I the best in her. With her beside me, I could close my eyes and still know what she was thinking, what she was feeling. When apart, I was eager to be reunited with her. We were like the opposite ends of magnets.
In Elsa's semi-drunken state, she accidentally knocked her half-filled glass of wine forwards with a swift and uncoordinated movement of her hand. The glass bounced harmlessly off the table, but the liquid splashed onto the left sleeve of Sami's white shirt. Sami laughed at the display as Elsa apologised profusely. Sami found no harm in the event that transpired and dabbed at his wet sleeve with a table cloth. I thought knowing of it until I looked at his arm. The wine had made his sleeve semi-transparent and my gaze was fixated upon a familiar face beneath it. A chill ran through my body as I felt despair and shock. Staring back at me, through the wet sleeve of Sami's shirt, were the eyes of an old enemy. The eyes belonged to the tattoo of a dragon.
Sami noticed my stare and a glint formed in his eyes as he made the connection. He knew immediately that I recognised the tattoo, which belonged to Rodrigo. He remained calm and steady as he stared back at me.
"Is everything okay, Kalle? Perhaps you've had a bit too much wine yourself," he said inconspicuously. Elsa and Karina laughed at his words and smiled at me.
"I think I just need some water," I responded in a muted voice. I pushed myself up from the table and walked towards the kitchen. I poured a glass of cold water and took two heavy gulps. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. Warm beads of sweat had formed on my face and I felt the back of my shirt begin to dampen as my back similarly precipitated.
I placed both of my hands on the kitchen counter and stared out through the window down the road which led away from the clearing where the cabin belonged. I watched, but did not observe, as snow continued to rain down in gentle flurries, wrapping around tall thick trees that had belonged to the ground for centuries. As I watched, a lone figure marched into view on the road. He made his way towards the cabin, dressed in combat pants and a thick padded jacket. His hood was drawn over his head and in both hands he held an assault rifle. The rifle was supported by a strap which was slung over his shoulder.
Fear sank in as I looked at the face under the hood, and I realised that I was surrounded by my enemies. Sami Heikkinen belonged to the same organisation that Rodrigo Soldado did, but a new concern rang through my head as I watched the lone hooded gunman make his way to the house. The man under the hood was someone who had harmed my family immensely in the past. It was Michael Scott.
Sami and Karina proved to be good company. They were both well-traveled and spoke with respect, dignity and understanding. The pair had been involved with each other for the best part of a decade but had not yet tied the knot. They had professed that they were waiting for a time when they were more settled before engaging in the ancient act of matrimony. Despite the pair of them having aged into their mid-thirties, they appeared to live with a timeless youth and freedom that was not bound by responsibility. They were free souls.
The four of us sat together at a singular dinner table in the cabin. The icy wind of winter pelted the wood-formed walls and the windows of the cabin with a fierce power, sending flurries of snow to the ground from the high-heavens. The sun was close to setting but a chill had set into the air. The wooden cabin insulated us from the winter's cold embrace. A fire burned in a marble-clad stove in the centre of the cabin, heating us with tendrils of pleasant warmth. The fire burned from thick birch logs which crackled every few seconds as sparks formed from air bubbles inside the log exploding.
In front of each of us sat a bowl of pea soup and a side of dark rye bread. It was considered a very traditional meal in Finland, and a luxury to many. Small chunks of bacon and carrots floated in the soup, which we all engorged upon with an unfathomable content. Warmth filled our bellies as we wetted our lips with red wine. It was a simple meal but one made luxurious by the company of people who sat down to eat it. The four of us bonded over the meal. It was the first time I had met Sami Heikkinen and his partner Karina, and he had proved to be a pleasant companion.
The cabin provided an escape from reality for all of us. I had just completed by second season in charge of Peimari United and I arrived in Konnevesi to free my mind from the pressures of football. I had worked hard with Antti Eklund, the club's chairman, to put plans into motion ahead of the upcoming season. The club had recently turned professional and we had secured the signatures of a number of players. While three of those players signed during the end of last season, we had been actively searching through the world for a host of other players who were willing to join. We had secured two defenders, one Finn and one Englishman, to join our ranks before the beginning of next season. Two highly-rated prospects were due to join from US development sides during 2021.
The past year had not been without drama either. Since Rodrigo Soldado's attempt on the lives of Elsa and myself, I had thrown some of my free time into researching what the dragon which marked his arm stood for. It had a significance which was unknown to me at the time, and extensive research into the subject proved to be fruitless. Aside from a number of notable gangsters in Asian cities, such as Hong Kong and Taiwan, who bared the mark as a piece of artwork, and not as a significant symbol, there was no mention of the dragon anywhere. The origins of the mystery had eluded me.
Michael Scott had also made quite the impression on 2020. The cowardly Englishman had arrived in Finland to seek his own revenge on myself. He disrespected the privacy of my dead mother by digging up her corpse from her grave and performing cruel and distasteful acts on her. Crime scene investigators had concluded that Scott ejaculated onto the corpse, staining my mother with his curse. Investigators also discovered traces of a rare poison on my mother's corpse, but the traces were faint which suggested that the poison had found its way to her decades ago. The investigators were at a loss as to how the poison got there, but admitted that it was impossible for Scott to have put the poison there.
Michael Scott appeared to have vanished from existence since the event. While police were actively searching for the vile demon who violated my mother's sanctuary of rest, the English-born plague could not be found. Since the event which unfurled in mid-March, there was not so much as a whisper uttered of Michael Scott. His presence was no longer a known quantity, but the threat remained. He was a shadow in the back of my mind, threatening to break in and destroy the peace which I had come to in recent times.
Elsa giggled hysterically beside me following a joke which Sami had made. Elsa had drank more than her fair share of wine. She was a lightweight as it was, and her second glass of the blood-red intoxicating juice was enough to blur her vision and relax her other senses. She brushed my arm with her hand before squeezing my hand which rested upon my lap. Her warmth surged from her body to mine, and my affection from her made itself known as my fears gave way to the overpowering tide of love. I had my feelings known to her long ago and she reciprocated in kind. She was a woman who I wished to become married to, but I was waiting for a more private time to put myself on one knee. With Sami and Katrina present, it was not the right time.
An inexplicable connection lived between Elsa and myself. As we held hands, we were connected by more than just skin. I felt a strong bond to her, as if we shared each other's minds and souls. Our beings had merged into one and we were stronger for it. She brought out the best in me and I the best in her. With her beside me, I could close my eyes and still know what she was thinking, what she was feeling. When apart, I was eager to be reunited with her. We were like the opposite ends of magnets.
In Elsa's semi-drunken state, she accidentally knocked her half-filled glass of wine forwards with a swift and uncoordinated movement of her hand. The glass bounced harmlessly off the table, but the liquid splashed onto the left sleeve of Sami's white shirt. Sami laughed at the display as Elsa apologised profusely. Sami found no harm in the event that transpired and dabbed at his wet sleeve with a table cloth. I thought knowing of it until I looked at his arm. The wine had made his sleeve semi-transparent and my gaze was fixated upon a familiar face beneath it. A chill ran through my body as I felt despair and shock. Staring back at me, through the wet sleeve of Sami's shirt, were the eyes of an old enemy. The eyes belonged to the tattoo of a dragon.
Sami noticed my stare and a glint formed in his eyes as he made the connection. He knew immediately that I recognised the tattoo, which belonged to Rodrigo. He remained calm and steady as he stared back at me.
"Is everything okay, Kalle? Perhaps you've had a bit too much wine yourself," he said inconspicuously. Elsa and Karina laughed at his words and smiled at me.
"I think I just need some water," I responded in a muted voice. I pushed myself up from the table and walked towards the kitchen. I poured a glass of cold water and took two heavy gulps. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. Warm beads of sweat had formed on my face and I felt the back of my shirt begin to dampen as my back similarly precipitated.
I placed both of my hands on the kitchen counter and stared out through the window down the road which led away from the clearing where the cabin belonged. I watched, but did not observe, as snow continued to rain down in gentle flurries, wrapping around tall thick trees that had belonged to the ground for centuries. As I watched, a lone figure marched into view on the road. He made his way towards the cabin, dressed in combat pants and a thick padded jacket. His hood was drawn over his head and in both hands he held an assault rifle. The rifle was supported by a strap which was slung over his shoulder.
Fear sank in as I looked at the face under the hood, and I realised that I was surrounded by my enemies. Sami Heikkinen belonged to the same organisation that Rodrigo Soldado did, but a new concern rang through my head as I watched the lone hooded gunman make his way to the house. The man under the hood was someone who had harmed my family immensely in the past. It was Michael Scott.
Comment Section
ScottT, the scale of the evolution of the football club in recent seasons has been somewhat unbelievable. Now, to have the opportunity to release a second team full of top youngsters upon Finnish football, we are ready to become an absolute force domestically. It is fantastic for the club to be fighting on all fronts too. The senior men are doing well, the youth now have more opportunities, and soon we will have a women's team to fight battles for us too. Exciting times ahead, for sure.Previous Update: #68 - Peimari United Form 'B' Team
Next Update: #70 - The Winter Soldier