The Blueprint

2nd July 2023
Around a worn wooden table, the minds behind Leeds City AFC gathered, determined to craft a badge that would encapsulate the essence of their newly-formed club. The emblem would serve as a symbol of renewal, a fresh beginning for Leeds football.
Gary Tucker, the driving force behind the club's revival, leaned forward, his eyes fixed on a blank piece of paper. "Lads, this badge is crucial. It should resonate with our fans, evoke memories of Leeds United, but also represent a new start."
Russell Page, Gary's lifelong friend and confidant, chimed in, "We can't use the Leeds coat of arms, that's for the council. But what about that old LUFC script logo?"
Chris Barnes, the financial anchor of the project, pondered this. "It's got history, but maybe we should consider other options as well. Damian, you've got an eye for design, any thoughts?"
Damian Hall, a commercially savvy graphic designer, leaned back in his chair. "I think we should pay homage to some of the iconic Leeds United logos of the past. The Owl logo, for instance, represents wisdom and strength, qualities we want in our club. The LUFC Script logo has a timeless charm, and the Peacock badge recalls our days in Division One. We could fuse elements from these into something new."
Kevin Hubbard, the elder statesman of the group and a staunch traditionalist, chimed in. "I'd love to see something that harks back to the old days. The Smiley badge, with a modern twist, perhaps?"
As the discussion continued, sketches and ideas were exchanged. Russell pointed out that the White Rose, an enduring symbol of Yorkshire, should also find a place on the badge. "It's not just Leeds; it's the county we represent."
The room buzzed with creativity, each member contributing their vision to the mix. Damian began sketching on a notepad, combining elements from the Owl, LUFC Script, Smiley, Peacock, and White Rose badges. "What if we create a circular badge with the Owl at the center, wings outstretched, holding a football and perched on the LUFC script? The Smiley face could form a backdrop, radiating positivity. Above, the White Rose stands tall."
Chris nodded in agreement. "That's a solid concept. We can refine it further. Let's add some text around the edge, 'Leeds City AFC' and '2023' to denote our fresh start."
However, amid the enthusiasm, Gary raised a cautious hand. "While this design is promising, we need to be aware of potential copyright and trademark issues. Leeds United's history is intertwined with these badges, and we don't want to run into legal problems."
The group fell into a momentary silence, realising the complexity of their task. The badge was more than just a symbol; it was a legal and cultural representation. As Damian continued to refine the design, they decided to consult legal experts to ensure they could navigate this intricate path without infringing on any copyrights or trademarks.
As the meeting concluded, the room was filled with both excitement and apprehension. The journey to create the badge that would define Leeds City was far from over, but they were determined to honor the club's traditions while forging a new path—no matter the challenges that lay ahead.