has anyone had any dealings with him?
iv just bought him for my everton save at 11 mill
but wat his best postion, attaking?? supporting??
would go for advanced forward as his main position, or a inside forward playing on the left would be a good choice for secondary.
If i was you: choose Support
# Zonnegod :
Hmm I heard he is also quite good as a goalkeeper 
If I was him I would do the same.
And I think you should put him as attacking.
He can score goals so a advanced forward is the best option, But you need someone who is capable of suporting him, basically asisting his goals
Very good player in my game.
I bought him in season 2012-13 for 25 M. with Newcastle United.
111 premier games, 92 goals, 82 assist.
I let him play as a deep striker, running after every ball and with a killer striker next to him.
I brought him to Liverpool from Ajax in 2011, and in his first season (2011/12) he scored 25 amazing goals.I played him as Trequarista. Next two seasons though had some injuries and lost his place in the first team. Suarez is a great attacker who scores beautiful goals. Watch some of these in this video I made...
well since he is just as good passing the ball as he is shooting it, I'd try to find a way to make him do both, brought him to Dortmund once, but I never found a way to get the most out of him