Just finished my first season with Dortmund, 30 years old. Won champions leauge, Bundesliga and German Cup. Im also a britsih manager from wales, Suddenly the job opens up about being the mamager of the Great Britain Under-23 manager, so i apply for the job. The German media(which i have made an enenemy of somehow) say that im the not even to be considered and that buy not telling them i desprate. I ignore them and then the news comes that my application has been unsuccessful and that they have chosen Steve Mclaren. STEVE MCLAREN!!!!! WTF. The man who led England into the dark days just got picked over a rookie champions leauge winner, he doesnt even have a job. Anyway rant over, Reason for posring this thread is because i have seen that loads of people have been picked for this job after coming like 6th in the leauge with teams such as Man United, Has this happened to anyone else or just me. Replies would be welcome!
Great Britain Under-23 manager!
Got picked over steve mclaren?