#50020 IronStark :
Great job at Arsenal. How is Joel Valencia for you? I also got him in my game but he's still in my U-18 squad. Maybe get a strong LB like Fabio from MU.
Hi Stark, Valencia is ok for me, he gets alot of praise, but do feel he isn't consistent enugh yet, even tho he has an average rating over 7 on 5 appearances this season. I brought him straight into the first team when i got him first season, as rotation and backup, worked very well for that purpose for me, especially since i paid £1.2M for him. I have sent him on a loan this season. He is an attacking midfielder, so LB wouldnt be the best of positions i think, are many other alternatives out there that will be better, even tho they are harder to find for that position, is the reason i bought Jose Angel.
Season 3 -
First off I changed my manager name in the game to Bruce Banner, cause come on, who will piss off Bruce Banner?
So over to some news:
Seemes that Borini has been brought into the Italian squad to replace Mario Ballotelli, this confused me a bit, they have to see something that I don't, because i haven't played Borini once this season, nor much at all previous season. I might be playing him very wrong, either way, he simply does not work for me. But being in the national team should increase the price of the player, so not complaining.
Alos, I was offered the job as manager for Denmark, wouldn't have been the worst of jobs, but have built a team now and don't want abandon that quite yet.
So over to the games i have played, as usual I'm dividing it up as to what competition it's played in.
Premier League
5-1 Q.P.R.
0-2 Arsenal
2-1 Liverpool
Manchester United
1-0 Arsenal
1-0 Fullham
West Brom
2-1 Arsenal
2-0 Stoke
West Ham
4-2 Arsenal
(after falling beind 2-0 in the first 10 min)
Champions League
0-3 Arsenal
2-1 Rangers
0-0 Basel
Lastly I'm on the lookout for a new Assistant Manager, have started a tread on it
here, would love some input on who to bring in. Thinking of maybe being an ass and sacking him beofre he retires so that I can bring in a new one faster, but doubt i will do that.