I've managed to win the Europa League with only Dutch players. I managed to win the Champions League 3 times in a row with a club which I brought up from the 5th Dutch league. I managed to win the Serie A without getting a goal against. I managed to be 178 matches in a row undefeated. Hell yeah, I even managed to play above 5300 hours of FM2012.
I can safely say that I'm one of the better managers of the game, how arrogant it may sound. I can do that, because I have the details to prove it. But still, I can't put myself in the list of the greatest FM-players. I'm missing 1 archievement. Just 1:
I never did the Pentagon Challenge: I never won the African, the North-American, the South-American the Asian and the European Champions League in 1 game. I wanna do it.
But thinking this is hard? Can you imagine it even harder? I can. I'm not gonna buy any foreigner. I'm not gonna bring my club in debt. I'm not playing in England. But the hardest part is: I wanna win the Club World Champonship with any club I play.
Am I gonna make it? I dunno. But 1 thing I know. You guys are following me. Every fucking move I make. Every transfer I make. Every game I play. I'm gonna be THE FM-GOD. Not just a master. With this epic story I'm gonna steal the title of the best FM-player you guys will ever see.
Are you guys with me for this one? Are you? ARE YOU? LET'S DO THIS SHIT!