Friendly Results
[spoiler=Friendly Results][/spoiler]
Now we get into the real gritty stuff, the start of the Premier League season...
2012-10-28 00:03#68737 The FM Rookie : Cavani is a mega signing! How will he fit in to your team?Haha, thanks, I hope he is, and well I bought him to add depth to my strikers and he will probably be my 'super sub' or my starting striker if he turns out better than RVP.
2012-10-28 22:07#68892 or.dabool : What happend against Newcastle? other than that a pretty good monthThey are boss, currently top of the table, beat Chelsea 3-1 so it wasn't just a bad team; main reason were probably the fact I hadn't done the BETA Update and defending and goalkeeping was still shambles
2012-10-28 22:17#68896 jimgooner : This story is AWESOME!!!!!! I'm loving it! I just read the whole thing and this is really good!Cheers! Comments like this motivate me a lot, the more of these, the more updates I'll bring out, and hopefully with it in a bit of detail to!
2012-10-28 22:22#68897 AmNeSiA_CFC : 2 great signings in Cavani and Fellaini, what formation do you use?. Also how much money did you receive from the board?Well if you look on the first page you will see my formations I PREVIOUSLY used, but now I just use 4-4-2 and 4-3-3 which I will post in about 2 minutes.:D
2012-10-28 22:33#68901 amishbr07 : Nice story. I am anxious to hear your thoughts on our desperate need of a holding mid? Are you content with Fellaini and Fletch? Or are you eyeing a January transfer?Well, I haven't registered Fletcher or Evans for that matter, I just don't like them, but you will have to find out who comes in, in January, i'm preparing bids as we speak
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