Pre-Season - "I'm Off!"

Fabio felt disheartened. The fans had been on his back since he took the job. Pre-season was approaching and he knew one bad result and he would recieve even more abuse about how he was incompetent and how he should never have taken the job. So Fabio decided he had to do something. Something relatively unheard of in the modern day game. He called a press conference and when all the media were in he began :
"Due to the hate from the Roma fans towards me I have decided that I will be leaving pre-season in the hands of you the fans, I have set up a committee in which you will have 2 representatives who act as manager and assistant during pre-season and before every match you, the fans, hold a meeting with these representatives and discuss with them what tatcics to use and who to play. Good luck, you will need it."
Fabio walked out of the press room and boarded the first flight to Florida.
6 weeks later...
Fabio sauntered down the steps of the plane after it landed at the national airport of Rome. He walked towards the limo and was handed a piece of paper as he got in. He looked at the piece of paper and took in what it meant :

Every single pre-season game had been at home and Roma had lost 6 of them. They had drawn with their reserves and the only positive was the comprehensive 3-0 win over Napoli.
Then Fabio saw the 7-1 and 5-1 losses to Parma. Oh wow he thought to himself, I have a lot of work to do. He, in a sense, was pleased that he had proved his point to the fans. However he was also saddened that pre-season, which was his opportunity to get familiarised with his players, had been wasted.
Fabio Cannavaro was going to sweep in and bring Roma success. Back from his holiday he felt re-invigorated and no longer cared about the hate mail and abusive messages. He had de-activated his Twitter and Facebook accounts and had also changed house. He felt like he could now take on the world.
And Win
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