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Alavanja 15 FMC Dark

The FMC style dark skin for a regular career mode, optimized for 1366x768 resolution, I didn't test it in an other resolutions but I hope there are no bugs.

By Updated on Jul 17, 2015   46179 views   17 comments
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Downloads: 8864 / Size: 39.3 MB / Added: 2015-07-17
FM 2015 Skins - Alavanja 15 FMC Dark
Released: 17 July 2015


Installation instructions

Step 1

Download the skin and extract the file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).

Step 2

Move the extracted folder "alavanja 15 fmc dark" into your skins folder:

Win Vista/7/8: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins
Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins
Mac OS X: /Users/<username>/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2015/skins

Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.

Step 3

Start the game and go to Preferences screen and Interface tab.
You should see "Alavanja 15 FMC Dark" as option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
Hit the Confirm button.

Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.

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Downloads: 8864 / Size: 39.3 MB / Added: 2015-07-17
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Discussion: Alavanja 15 FMC Dark

17 comments have been posted so far.

  • Sw33z's avatar
    nvm , finally i've i found it :p
  • Sw33z's avatar
    great work that dark skin ! could you explain me what file to edit to change to cyan colour of the menuletters ? tx i want it in darker blue , that lightblue hurts my eyes too much .
  • Cola zr's avatar
    Skin ti je fenomenalan,ali imam jedan problem,u toku meca kad udjem u player stats potpuno je prazan taj kvadratic,to mi se desavalo i sa tvojim ostalim skinovima. Ima li resenja?
  • Dex15's avatar
    Cao Marko, kao uvek svaka ti cast, imam pitanje da li ces praviti jos jedan update sa Citypics kao kod novog Flut -a?

  • phiebe's avatar
    how to change the ICON in side bar to another ICON ? because i want to use the original icon
    and how to change fonts..
  • Dennis05's avatar
    Thanks a lot. Just what I needed.
  • decham19's avatar
    im not complaining just mislead as this skin and the light version have the same title so i took it that they were the same skin but one is light one is not
  • ChepoFM's avatar
    can i change this i dont have the df11 facepack
  • Evix's avatar
    Very thanks :) It Work;) What to Skin... it is a very very good;] Ok ... I go to play again;]
  • Marconni1985's avatar
    @Stam, ok :)
    @deckham, I didn't say that this skin is the same like FMC default, I mixed my FMC Style and Madness versions and made what I need to enjoy in the game, and shared with all of you, so if you don't like it, you don't have to use it.
    @Evix, delete player attributes panel overview.xml from panels folder
  • Evix's avatar
    Hello. I have a problem with attributes(dark version). What to fix it? Resolution 1366&768
  • decham19's avatar
    no boxes on the stats screen (where the numbers are), pictures on the left hand side, just so it looks like the light version of the FMC skin this one looks nothing like it
  • Stam's avatar
    I've changed download link from steam workshop to the provided mediafire URL. Workshop haters are too many, myself included :P
  • Marconni1985's avatar
  • columbusbobby23's avatar
    Yes, having to go through the workshop sucks IMO.
  • portgasz's avatar
    @Marconni1985 could you make direct download link just like before?
  • decham19's avatar
    pretty disappointed that you made this skin nothing like the Light version i love the light version but its too light and was hoping the dark version would be the same :(
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