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AlexMorak FM22 Skin v2.0

A dark, slightly minimal and as light as possible skin for Football Manager 2022 with respect in this year's game colours. Optimized for 1920x1080 screen resolution.

By Updated on Jan 04, 2022   95862 views   118 comments
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Downloads: 21048 / Size: 7.6 MB / Added: 2021-10-27
Football Manager 2022 Skins - AlexMorak FM22 Skin v2.0
This is still a work in progress project. Some elements might change in the future.
Please report any bugs that you'll find in order to fix them if I can.


- Changes in colours.
- More detailed home screen.
- More detailed player overview.
- More detailed player popup.
- More detailed staff overview.
- More detailed staff popup.
- More detailed club overview.
- More detailed schedule panel.
- More detailed in-between-highlights panel and fully customizable.
- Custom views for players and tactics.
- Staff list like old FMs.
- Scouting panels with attributes. (WIP)
- Dark tactics panel.
- Dark match sheet before matches.
- Overhauled team introduction before matches.
- Instant result before the matches and in the matches if you want to skip a match.

Update History:

- v1.0: 27/10/2021 (Original file)
- v1.1: 30/10/2021 (Changes in panels)
- v1.2: 30/10/2021 (Hotfix)
- v1.3: 02/11/2021 (Micro-fixes)
- v1.4: 04/11/2021 (Biggest update so far)
- v1.5: 05/11/2021 (Hotfix)
- v1.6: 10/11/2021 (Official Release's Fixes, New Scoreboard)
- v1.7: 10/11/2021 (Bug fixes in training panel)
- v2.0: 04/01/2022 (Various fixes to problems caused by updates)


Your suggestions are welcomed down in the comments, please provide me some screens to understand what you mean. Keep in mind the minimalistic feeling of the project. Most of the panels and elements are not my creation so I don't ask for money, enjoy the game with a look that I enjoy too. I'll answer to any of your suggestions when I see them, and I'll do them if I like them too.

Supported Resolutions:

- 1920x1080, 100% Zoom
- Any resolution above 1920x1080
- Anything else WILL NOT work properly and stop sending me "bugs" about these things when you don't play the game in the resolution and the zoom this skin was made.


- Direct Messages on Twitter
- Direct Messages on Instagram
- More info about my work here.

Credits and Thanks to:

- KojuroPP, creator of Kojuro Skin.
- Entreaty, creator of LIVID 22.
- Krysler, creator of Heffem Skin.
- MichaelMurrayUK, creator of the mods and widgets.
- WannaChupBrew, creator of Wannachup Instant Result Skin.
- FMEnhanced, creator of FMEnhanced Skin.
- Keysi, creator of Rensie Dark Skin.

AlexMorak Skin Preview


1. Download the .rar archive and use a tool such as WinRar for Windows or The Unarchiver for MacOSX to extract its contents.

2. Move the extracted folder "AlexMorak Skin vX.X" to your skins folder: User\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\skins\

3. Run Football Manager 2022 and go to Preferences > Interface. You should see "AlexMorak Skin vX.X" as an option in the skin drop down. Make sure you've unticked "Use caching to decrease page loading times" and ticked "Reload skin when confirming changes in Preferences". Hit the Confirm button.

Download Now
Downloads: 21048 / Size: 7.6 MB / Added: 2021-10-27
alexmorakgaming's avatar
About alexmorakgaming

YouTuber, Streamer & Caster
Creator of FMTGW Official Skin
Creator of Do It Like Greeks Skin

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Discussion: AlexMorak FM22 Skin v2.0

118 comments have been posted so far.

  • JHeras110's avatar
    Hello, very good, I am telling you because I have an error with the skin using the parameters recommended by you (1920x1080 and 100% Zoom). The bug I have is that when I'm in a player's profile, in the attributes tab, I don't get the current quality or the entire potential quality, only the first star is shown. If you know how to fix it, it would be appreciated.
  • JHeras110's avatar
    Hello, very good, I am telling you because I have an error with the skin using the parameters recommended by you (1920x1080 and 100% Zoom). The bug I have is that when I'm in a player's profile, in the attributes tab, I don't get the current quality or the entire potential quality, only the first star is shown. If you know how to fix it, it would be appreciated.
  • parspro_'s avatar
    Great skin, easily my favourite in FM22. really like all the little immersion details, incorporating club logos, kits, the ticket. and the match presentation is just stunning.
    one thing I've noticed however: if I open the tactics screen during a match and click on the little arrow next to the player on the tactics pitch the popup screen doesn't show anything. is that by design or a bug? is this something on your list or something I could easily change myself with 1-2 lines in a config file? Cheers mate, wonderful skin!
  • Millwalltyler's avatar
    when i click on a club, the picture of the stadiums doesnt show up. do i have to download a pack for that?
  • Brizuela's avatar
    Broo i love ur Skin ty for the upload :D
  • ferrenberg's avatar
    You don't support "cheating" in the game yet you go to matchdays without a backup goalkeeper, something totally unrealistic which does not happen not even in under-7 development teams. not that I care, this is just a game lol
  • alexmorakgaming's avatar
    Τhanks, sadly I don't have a 1440p monitor to test it out.
  • slootskovic's avatar
    Thank you for sharing this skin.
    I am playing on 1440p and in the player overview screen some of the panels are oversized and some are very small.
    Is there a way to resize the panels, and maybe add 1 more row of panels
  • alexmorakgaming's avatar
    You don't need to extract anything. It's an .fmf file, just put it in your skin folder.
  • Goodname's avatar
    I cannot extract the files
    Its said the file has error
    Any chance for other link?
  • alexmorakgaming's avatar
    Of course not, this is cheating and I don't support cheating in the game with my graphics.
  • RoMbA's avatar
    @alexmorakgamin, i know that. Was a just shortcut near the home/preferences :P
  • pauloaugust0's avatar
    now we got hidden atributes?
  • alexmorakgaming's avatar
    There is an IR button, before the match, in the tactics screen and inside the game in the dropdown where you control the highlights. Cheers!
  • RoMbA's avatar
    Thanks a lot. Best skin. One suggestion, create a IR icon :) t
  • alexmorakgaming's avatar
    Sorry my friend, I don't use backgrounds and don't suggest them as I think that they give nothing to the game. except problems with the eyes
  • willz71172's avatar
    can u help me the bit at top team name play position can hardly see it
  • WelshyJim's avatar
    Great skin :)
  • pauloaugust0's avatar
  • alexmorakgaming's avatar
    Sorry I won't support editor's values like PA, RCA etc.
  • alexmorakgaming's avatar
    I won't change the ibh because they are the best available.
  • pauloaugust0's avatar
    how i can see the hidden attributes? btw, best skin so far
  • pauloaugust0's avatar
    how i can see the pa?
  • Vitorpereira's avatar
    It's a nice skin but the match screen and scoreboard should get better in the new versiyon..
  • alexmorakgaming's avatar
    Thanks, if you want the default scoreboard you can grab it from the Archiver. The panel name is "match score area panel" inside panels/match.

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