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Downloads: 546 / Size: 20.7 kB / Added: 2022-04-06
This database, with the creation of a totally new structure for football competitions in Argentina, with the organization of a calendar, three national divisions in the traditional model and games distributed throughout the calendar, in addition to fictitious cash prizes to allow that the Argentine teams compete with the Brazilians, leaving the save more interest, at the level of continental competitions.
New fantasy structure:
1st level - Professional Football League - 20 clubs
2nd level - Primera Nacional - 22 clubs
3rd level - Segunda Nacional - 22 clubs
Copa Argentina - 64 clubs all leagues
Copa de la Liga Profesional - 20 clubs
Supercopa Argentina
Trofeo de Campeones Argentinos
reserve divisions
Under-20 divisions
Have fun!
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Downloads: 546 / Size: 20.7 kB / Added: 2022-04-06
Discussion: Argentina New Structure / FM22 DB
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