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Auckland to A-League plus All-Stars Game

Australian nation rules with domestic league updated with real-life fixes. 13th team added to the Australian A-League, with the Unite Round added and Australia Cup qualifying adjusted.

By on Nov 21, 2024   3004 views   3 comments
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Downloads: 250 / Size: 47.0 kB / Added: 2024-11-21
Football Manager 2024 League Updates - Auckland to A-League plus All-Stars Game
This adds the 13th team, Auckland FC, to the A-League, and keeps it at 26 games like IRL.

Also includes the All-Stars Game, which excludes players who are in the Grand Final the following day, and the Unite Round.

Also tweaked qualifying for the Australia Cup, including moving the dates around for the schedule they've used for a couple of years now.

Could use some more tips if anyone has inside info like the amount of season ticket holders, sponsorships, salaries, etc. Right now it's a bit of a guesstimate based on similar clubs at the same level. Same goes if anything else in Australia needs a quick fix here.

Graphics here. More discussion and a bonus file that adds Auckland and Wellington Phoenix to a slightly expanded OFC Champions League here.


Direct Download Steam Workshop
Downloads: 250 / Size: 47.0 kB / Added: 2024-11-21
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Discussion: Auckland to A-League plus All-Stars Game

3 comments have been posted so far.

  • themodelcitizen's avatar
    No, you mean like for Auckland's kits? I think another version probably has those, you could grab them there and change the config file so they correspond to the Auckland I created (or maybe it will work already), or feel free to make some for me, lol
  • proton6's avatar
    No 3D graphics ? Just 2D
  • gabhidalgo's avatar
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