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Bigpole's FM2018 Data & Transfer Update (8/12/2017)

Transfers and Data Update for Football Manager 2018 which includes around 3.300 changes in the database (missed in 18.1 version.)

By Updated on Dec 08, 2017   36332 views   9 comments
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Downloads: 6812 / Size: 17.2 kB / Added: 2017-11-10
Football Manager 2018 Data Updates - Bigpole's FM2018 Data & Transfer Update (8/12/2017)
Hi everyone, as in previous year, I'll be doing update packs for fm18.

What does it include ?
  • Transfers - From the very big clubs to the little ones.
  • Loans and recalls - Mostly 6 months or longer; no point including short-term loans.
  • Retirements - I set them as in real life, except missed retirements not included in game.
  • History updates - No point in updating 100.000 histories but I try to update internationals and free agents.
  • Nationalities - I've added/removed/changes around 200 players in fm18 alone, according to real life choices/(future)declarations.
  • International Caps/Goals - Datalock for caps/goals in FM is end of the july so I've corrected this according to the official data. Mostly African, North America and Asian players because research in these continents are slightly worse than Europe.
  • CA/PA and Reputation - I try to not touch it because I'm not expert in all leagues in the world, this is why there's one researcher per club. There are guidelines for reputation and CA/PA values so they are touched only if I find big discrepancy between them.
  • Finances - As above. I change contract wages only if I find them too big for small clubs because sometimes one or two players will make the club bankrupt.
  • Names/DoB/PoB - I've changed some italian club names for this year (only the long names). As for DoB/PoB (Date of Birth/Place of Birth) - I'll try to spot the mistakes and correct these details, but sometimes there's no entry for city (too small or just not in database) so I have to leave it blank.

  • It's pointless to write changes I've made from version to version (new release every 2-3 days and from 200 to 400 changes each) so I hope that some errors or issues will be pointed in comments section.
    My plan is also to create a FB page for the update to be more popular and more accesible for everyone, rather than just publishing it on forums or steam workshop.

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    Downloads: 6812 / Size: 17.2 kB / Added: 2017-11-10
    Bigpole's avatar
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    Discussion: Bigpole's FM2018 Data & Transfer Update (8/12/2017)

    9 comments have been posted so far.

    • rick9509's avatar
      @bigpole i tryed it, but its one week old and with it i cant start The career at this days, but ok no problem i think i will not use real results Fix, thanks for The help, you did a good work with this update ;)
    • Bigpole's avatar
    • rick9509's avatar
      Hi guys, im an italian player of FM (sorry for my english) and i have a big problem, i want to start a new game but i dont find a Real good update for the database of FM.
      I want to start a new game with Real results of all the leagues, with the correct date (today or maybe some close next days) with all the update of transfer and all, but its impossibile to find an update like this.
      i tried The bigpole update, but It includes only The updates ok Transfers etc... but not for example The possibility to start The game at 8 december or 9,10,11 or close to this days and it dont have real results and for example The promotions and relegation of The brazilian,colombian and all The others championships. (Same situation for The fminside database).
      So im here for ask if someone know a real update Who can really give to our The 100% of reality game experience or maybe i hope this post can help The developers of this updates for improve Their work.
      I hope my english its enough clear, and im Sorry if its not Perfect
    • Jumano's avatar
      At first: Thanks for this great file!!! :-) Could you add please following transfers:
      New Manager of Werder Bremen - Florian Kohfeldt (from Werder Bremen II)
      Douglas Costa - fix transfer from Bayern Munich to Juventus FC for 46 Mio € at the end of season 17/18
      1. FC Union Berlin sacked Jens Keller as their Manager and installed André Hofschneider

      Thanks a lot!
    • Bigpole's avatar
      @mcgrave - I don't know if .fmf files work with FMT. Probably not.
    • mcgrave's avatar
      does this also work with the touch edition?
    • KyoSchelfhout's avatar
      Hi, Can you add Sven Mislintat (Chief Scout of BVB) to Arsenal as Chief Scout, and make the current chief scout of Arsenal (Steve Rowley) a normal scout? They confirmed Rowley will keep working with the club.
    • Bigpole's avatar
      C://Documents/Sports Interactive/ FM2018/editor data. (default location)

      And yes, you need to start a new game for this file to be working.
    • PinballExpress's avatar
      where does this go within the folders and do i need to start a new save for changes to take effect?
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