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Captain Tsubasa in FM2022

Captain Tsubasa Database with facepack for FM2022

By on Feb 14, 2022   21205 views   0 comments
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Downloads: 1159 / Size: 646.0 kB / Added: 2022-02-14
FM 2022 Fantasy Scenarios - Captain Tsubasa in FM2022
This is a database created by myself that includes 115 players/coaches from the manga/anime of Captain Tsubasa, also with a face pack.

All players in their original manga teams playing in J1 or various teams in Europe, with their skills created to best reflect their level and with their dates of birth, friendships and rivals.

How to install the db

Put the "FM22 - Captain Tsubasa" file in: "Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\editor data"
Put the "Captain Tsubasa Faces" folder in: "Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics\faces"

For the faces provided, I have named them so that ideally, they should load in like they have to. However, if you're like me, and play with a ton of database mods, they're almost definitly not going to match, as the other databases also add players, so the Unique ID's no longer match. So in order to fix this, you need to rename the files so they match the new Unique ID's. Luckily, a tool called Bulk Rename Utility exsist to make this easy. To determine what to name the files, find Tsubasa Ozora in your game. His ID will be something like 2002042238. So to rename them, just follow it down, as such:

2002042238 (old id) Tsubasa Ozora => 2002042290 (new id, for example, it can be another number)
2000067648 (old id) Kojiro Hyuga => 2002042291 (+1)
2000067649 (old id) Misaki Taro => 2002042292 (+2)

The order of the ID's will never change, so the order they're in now, is also the order they will be in afterwards. After renaming everything, use the fmXML tool to create a new config file. Then reload your skin in-game, and enjoy your new faces!

If the above instructions weren't enough, here is a video showing how to do it. (this video is not mine but is works the same way)

Optional download

Facepack & Filter

Consider donating

In case you want to donate so I can keep working on new updates or new animes/mangas:
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Direct Download Steam Workshop
Downloads: 1159 / Size: 646.0 kB / Added: 2022-02-14
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