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2D Kits 18/19 for Flutskin - Titlebar/Player Overview v.2.0

2d Kits front in FC'12 Style for Flutskin. Now you can easily include beautiful kits on titlebar and on player overview panel of any of the Flutskin versions.

By Updated on Dec 16, 2018   27 comments
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Size: 305.1 MB / Added: 2018-11-17
Football Manager 2019 Kits - 2D Kits 18/19 for Flutskin - Titlebar/Player Overview v.2.0
2D Kits for Flutskin FM 19 - Titlebar and Player Overview Panel - SEASON 2018/19

Many people have asked me how should proceed in order to the FLUTSKIN for display the 2D club kit front in player overview panel.
Thus, with permission of PATRES10 (thanks, my friend!), I decided to do a pack already ready to use in the game.

Here is the 2.0 version of this pack, for SEASON 18/19

It contains all the kits made for 2018/19 season in beautiful FC'12 style, until 16.12.2018.

I think this is an add on you will like it since the kits are in the same style I use as 2D default in FLUTSKIN.

How to add Flut Skin in FM19

Download and extract the .rar file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).

Place the "52DKitsasleftlogos" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2019\graphics|logos
1. Create the folder "graphics" if it doesn't exist.
2. Start FM19 with one of the versions of FLUTSKIN for FM
3. You should see the 2D kits front in titlebar and in the player overview panel

Enjoy it!

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Downloads: 24637 / Size: 305.1 MB / Added: 2018-11-17
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Discussion: 2D Kits 18/19 for Flutskin - Titlebar/Player Overview v.2.0

27 comments have been posted so far.

  • PeterPinto46's avatar
    Hi Flut will you be making the new season kits for liga NOS and Ledman for portuguese leagues? Thank you.
  • deli77's avatar
    Super, but Goalkeepers have the same kit
  • mirkoferrari's avatar
    @Flut is it possible to wait for a new update? thank you for your fantastic work and congratulations
  • DexterHovis's avatar
    @DRMoreira04 You put them in Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2019\graphics\logos
  • mirkoferrari's avatar
    @Flut sorry if I disturb you but it would be possible to have the Italian B series and the French ligue 2? thanks and sorry again
  • DRMoreira04's avatar
    Do we put the folders downloaded in LOGOS? Not KITS?
  • CR7_23's avatar

    Can anybody help me with this problem? The logo is not completely showed?

    Is there anyboy who knows what's going wrong?

  • CobraSW's avatar
    Will there be an update for the 2018/19 kits? I´m specially looking for the german (1.-3. League), the Luxembourg, and the french 1. and 2. league.
  • E.Hazard's avatar
    Hi Flut... could you please share the config file for the background stadiums in the picture player box?
  • markdhoy's avatar
    Flut i was using free arc but switched to winrar and all good ,cheers.
  • Flut's avatar
    Thanks GMM!!

    Hi markdhoy: sorry but I tested and it seems is working well....
  • markdhoy's avatar
    I keep getting Error message when I try to extract files signature not found at end of archive , Help plz .
  • GMM's avatar
    excellent Flut
  • Flut's avatar
    Hi fascinoso: what is the problem with your screenshot? The front kit is correctly displayed...

    regarding the background stadium in the picture pplayer box, for stadium be displayed behind the player picture you should have a pack of stadiums with the config like the following example (this example is for FC Porto Stadium)

    <record from="1478" to="graphics/pictures/team/1478/background"/>

    1478 is the ID of the club
  • fascinoso73's avatar
    What is the background stadium pack in the player profile?
  • fascinoso73's avatar
    I see..but reloading your Skin 1.3 do not appear the differences ... I installed in the path indicated .. how come?
  • Flut's avatar
    Hi fascinoso: thanks :)
    The route is

    Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2019\graphics|logos
  • fascinoso73's avatar
    Hi Flut, congratulations on the Skin, it's great, how do you install 2D Kits 18/19 for Flutskin - Titlebar / Player Overview v.1.0?
    What is the route?
  • Flut's avatar
    Hi vanja: I don't know what happened. The front kit for this pack is okay. The back kit is not...I don't know why...Try to clean the cache, exit the game and reload it...
  • vanja1986's avatar

    HI Flut. You can see kit from backside isnt showing. Can you help me?
  • vanja1986's avatar

    HI Flut. You can see kit from backside isnt showing. Can you help me?
  • Flut's avatar
    Download link updated for mediafire

    Thanks Giggs!!

    Badass: For stadium be displayed behind the player picture you should have a pack of stadiums with the config like the following example (this example is for FC Porto Stadium)

    <record from="1478" to="graphics/pictures/team/1478/background"/>

    1478 is the ID of the club
  • Giggs's avatar
    i can download it but then i can not unzip it..
    any ideea?
  • LLovely's avatar
    Flut you are amazing.
  • yanzhihh928's avatar
    can you use mediafire?
    i can't dnowload

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