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Regen Facepack for Football Manager by wtforkgaming

A collection of full-blown 3D face renders that you can choose from to give certain regen / newgen players a good looking face. To use with Football Manager.

By on Jul 23, 2018   13 comments
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Size: 5.9 MB / Added: 2018-07-23
Football Manager 2018 Facepacks - Regen Facepack for Football Manager by wtforkgaming
Regen Facepack for Football Manager by wtforkgaming is not a common hairstyle replacement for newgen faces. In fact, it doesn't work like a hair pack at all. It's a collection of 3D faces that you can choose from to give certain regen players a good looking character. These faces are full-blown 3D renders that could be used elsewhere as standalone graphics.

Here is the first pack of images to use to replace the regen faces in-game. This core pack contains 150 images you can use within your save.

Laura (wtforkgaming) will be adding to the pack with various adhoc updates in the future, so let us know in the comment section if you want to see more of this project.

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Regen Facepack Preview

How to Install the Regen Facepack

To install the facepack first you will need to find the ID of the player you want to use the image of.

In Football Manager, go to settings > preferences > interface and select the field that says "Show sceen IDs in the Title Bar to assist skinning"

Exit back to the player you want to replace the image of and take note of the ID number.

Find the image you want to use and replace the name of the image with the ID.

Do this for every image you want to use you then have two options:

1. Replace the image name and file path id in the XML file provided
2. Use FM XML or a similar programme to create the XML file

Once this is complete, go to your settings > preferences > interface and clear cache. Reload the skin and the player images should be installed.

Video Tutorial


The regen facepack was created by wtforkgaming who has kindly granted us permission to host and publish this brilliant pack here.

You can follow her on Twitter: @chilled_moose

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Downloads: 13755 / Size: 5.9 MB / Added: 2018-07-23
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Discussion: Regen Facepack for Football Manager by wtforkgaming

13 comments have been posted so far.

  • L0L0_Z's avatar
    does this work with FM20...? :^)
  • dw420's avatar
    This should be renamed to newgen pack.
  • Mauve's avatar
    Does this work with FM20
  • JustName's avatar
    works it with FM19?
  • LLovely's avatar
    I don´t get those horrible looking packs . just use random google pics for it with real life persons
  • traviss's avatar
    I managed to do it by myself; soo.... that's awkward (it was easier than I thought)
  • traviss's avatar
    I really like this project and hope to see more with some new update!! ps: is there anyone who can teach me how to cut these pics (too much neck and traps actions imo!!) and keep the same size/risolution or whatever it's called (180x180)...thx
  • Bartdude's avatar
    @martin40,anything is better than the default but I use real faces for mine.
  • Thatsgold007's avatar
    Thanks alot mate, this is fantasic.
    big respect for making this!
  • martin40's avatar
    @Bartdude they are still better than the default
  • DexterHovis's avatar
    If I was going to use this pack I would not add the regen UIDs to my normal faces pack. Rather I would add them to a separate folder, perhaps called "regens." This way when I move my normal faces pack to FM19 it will not be polluted by a load of regens who will not be in my FM19 game.
  • edgaribeiro's avatar
    Nice work.
  • Bartdude's avatar
    Good regen packs are desperately needed but these are too weird and unreal for me,sorry !
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