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Downloads summary

Updated November 14th, 2008

By Updated on Nov 02, 2008   42024 views   0 comments

Football Manager 2009 - Demo Vanilla

English language only, and features the English and Scottish leagues, with no player photos or logos in order to reduce the size of the download.

Football Manager 2009 - Demo Strawberry

Includes all player pictures and logos, with quickstarts for the world's biggest leagues, giving players a chance to try out their skills in leagues from multiple countries. Details of languages and leagues are below.


9.1.0 Patch - Released on November 14th, 2008

The official patch created by SI to fix some issues with the game.

FM Modifier - TBC

Various stat changes can be made with this real-time editor for Football Manager 2009.

Ruci's Real Time Editor - TBC

This is another real time editor where you can edit various things in game including editing points deductions.

Mac In Game Editor - TBC

An in-game editor for Mac Users.

Genie Scout - TBC

See hidden game attributes and stats with this useful scouting tool.

FM Mini Scout - TBC

This tool allows you to view CA, PA & Sale Value in game.

Media Comment Editor

Editor created by SI which allows the gamer to change the comments which can be released by managers.

Shortcut Application

Create specific shortcuts for FM and load up with certain preferences


FM Sound Pack - TBC

Additional match sounds created for Football Manager by Football Manager fans.


Official Editor: Changing Columns in search results

This tells you how you can change the columns in the official SI editor.

Dave's Guide to League Swap/Super Leagues

This guide will help you swap teams within divisions or create superleagues

Potential Ability (PA) Explanation

Understand the -10 to -1 potential ability ratings.

Retaining Players using EDT/DDT Files (for those missing huge db option)

Create a DDT file from the examples here to retain lots of players from different countries

Unofficial Data Update Sites

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