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FM20 Match Physics Patch by Billgates

The beautiful game patch is a mod that changes, adds and removes strings or numbers from the variations of how we see physics in 3D and 2D graphics. In short, it changes how the game looks, feels, and is illustrated to us.

By Updated on Oct 28, 2020   216757 views   121 comments
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Downloads: 39375 / Size: 2.6 kB / Added: 2020-10-03
Football Manager 2020 Mods - FM20 Match Physics Patch by Billgates

FM Engineers – Billgates (The beautiful game patches)

The beautiful game patch is mods that changes, adds and removes strings or numbers from the variations of how we see physics in 3D and 2D graphics – In short – It changes how the game looks, feels, and is illustrated to us. These changes are done from Inside the file called physical_constraints.

Different versions
Billgates v6.0 (Official)
Verge 6.9 (betal)
Billgates v7.0 (Official)
Hongik v3.0 (Official)
Thiago 2.0 (Official)

What do Thiago 2.0 do compared to Billgates 7.0 and what about Hongik 3.0?

That is an often asked question. And there is no clear answer. Statistically speaking, the numbers are too similar to say “This does more crosses, this creates more of that, and less in this.” In that sense are they simply, way too similar.

We all see and feel differently, and everyone trying the different versions, knows there's a difference, but explaining it, is a whole other thing. Placebo is also in play, when we talk about what someone felt was different compared to another version. Some few even still claim that it's all a hoax. tsk tsk

So all we can say about choosing a version, is to try them for a few games yourself, and see how it makes you feel. That is the best indicator for you, your tactics, your team, the league, for the players, and for the overall experience for a long term save. No one can tell you how you feel.

What have we changed?

  • We have changed numbers and values in the strings.

  • We have added new strings, that adds new delay, speed, acceleration and deceleration with possibilities in delays, theoretical, min, max, and potentials having a different outcome on players' physical behavior.

What are we not changing?

  • We are not changing AI behavior. This is controlled by attributes, tactics, roles, instructions, and possibly more things that we are not in control of. But we are not saying that those things are not indirectly influenced by physics.

  • It does not change animations. Animations got their own speed values and time signatures. This however is possible to change, but we sincerely doubt we are going to do it with a small team. +200k lines of coding. Just alone “Pass Ball - Standing” make up for 368 strings and variation of passing the ball while standing. Anyone still saying SI did not spend a lot of time on the ME? You are wrong.

How does it impact what you see?

  • Depending on what physics we change, will it affect what you see on the pitch.

  • Our key words are Balancing, subtlety, realism, flow and fluidity, when we are trying to find the correct changes in physics to implant. These words are subjective, and how we see the beautiful game, adding to that, each developer also sees these things possibly differently.

Will it change the stats?

  • Yes. Is the short answer.

  • The numbers we have changed, will not impact your results in any noticeable way. Only extreme numbers in the strings would heavily influence the statistics and results.

  • Old fixtures are already done and dusted, and are therefore not influenced.

  • This means, depending on what numbers and strings we change, the outcome of games compared to the normal json is altered.

  • @Sports interactive – “Making changes to the match engine is an incredibly complex balancing act to try and find the most enjoyable but yet also completely realistic representation of real life football.”

  • We agree with SI, that it is hard to find the correct balance between enjoyable football to watch and realisme in the outcome of results. We believe that enjoyable football to watch is a tiny bit more important than perfectly balanced tables, and specific teams having the same goals scored each season.

  • We have claimed the opposite, “no statistic changes,” this was due to corrupt data input. We are sorry for this misunderstanding. We could definitely 100% change the Match engine and the results if we wished to do it.

  • We, the players, are the deciders of what realisme is to the majority. Not a small staff at SI. And we say that realistic gameplay is subjective. Therefore multiple ME versions.

Plans for the future?

  • That depends entirely on Sports Interactive. We have no inside information about FM21, or if this will be patched in a way, where people no longer can apply it.

  • IF they allow us to continue this work, would we of course start working on FM21’s json file, when released. Same goes for keeping FM20’s json files up to date, with new stuff we learn and can apply to it.

How to apply the mod:

  • Close football manager 2020, download the mod, unzip the file, (backup original file) and replace it with the new (physical_constraints) file, in:

  • Steam: Local disk:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics

  • Epic games: :/Program Files/Epic Games/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics

  • Mac steam: Library/application support/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics

  • Mac epic games: Users/Shared/Epic Games/FootballManager2020/data/simatch/physics

If you change to a newer/older json file, the game might crash in the load up. This is due to adding or deleting strings. The game has a hard time with such changes. It takes 1-2 tries before the game recognizes the changes. The maximum we have seen is 5 crashes in row when trying to load FM20.exe. When it works, will it do so, until you change the json file to another version again with new or deleted strings. This behavior also seems to be different from machine to machine, and platform to platform. Many never experience this.


We do not wish to showcase this ourselves (modding team), at least not directly. We let the community not involved with the modding, do it for us. And we believe the community is the best to deliver a fair assessment of this mod. Anyone that wishes to showcase this, can do so.

We hope some content creators, and others with commentary gifts will make videos. Bad or good, or in between, all reviews are welcomed. We consider it good feedback in any case.

Feedback & Donations:

This is a completely free mod of course. No strings attached. But we would love feedback from anyone interested in making this mod better. We started this project with only one intent, to have more enjoyable content to watch in our favorite game. But we have come to the realisation that we are interested in creating, and not only editing. Whatever that means, and toward what purpose, is too early to tell. So with that in mind, are donations welcomed, and open to whomever that wish to donate to the FM Engineers:
Donate via PayPal
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Downloads: 39375 / Size: 2.6 kB / Added: 2020-10-03
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Discussion: FM20 Match Physics Patch by Billgates

121 comments have been posted so far.

  • salmanwahidi's avatar
    I don't know if the mod author will see this, but I've just tried this mod, and it has made me keep playing this game. The gameplay has improved a lot: dribbling and through passes are better scripted. Crosses and headers are improved too. I really like the shot logic where players actually try to take shots from angles that make sense. Default gameplay was getting on my nerves because of the stupidity of it when compared to the flow of actual football (add to that the occasional AI cheating where your team forgets how to play at all and start losing every 2nd/3rd ball).

    I just want to thank the author for investing time and effort to make this mod. I'll give it 10/10 because I was about to stop playing and this made me want to continue.

    PS: I've been playing FM since FM 2005, so I am not a new player.
  • nemojack80's avatar
  • nemojack80's avatar
  • Ivanche's avatar
    This improves Nothing, it will only cause big mess in match physic. I was thinking wooow match engine "patch" a lot better never seen this kind of goal....but NO it is only placebo. I played one whole season with it, and i notice it only mess up my game on long run so i go back to default physic, there are through the middle passes there are 1on1 finishing a lot on default, when i pet my striker well.
  • gerhico's avatar
    thanks. I continue the experience
  • YAMS's avatar
    There are definitely less goals with these patches in my experience, yes. Tactics need altering a little.
  • gerhico's avatar
    Hi, I download it, it seems my team is unable to score a single goal (5 matches, and only some 0-0). Have you the same problem ?
  • Richardcharlston's avatar
    Noted. Good news is the latest test version still has an editable json file
  • Justice's avatar
    MacZidane & Richardcharlston, if you two can't behave nicely, I suggest you find another website to insult each other. I've moderated your most recent comments - any more nonsense from either of you and further actions will be taken with your accounts.
  • Richardcharlston's avatar
  • YAMS's avatar
  • MacZidane's avatar
  • Sankagee's avatar
    @RellomQ, that was actually the answer I was hoping for, or at least an exact answer to my question, wasn't sure what the impact of the mod was on AI decisions. Perhaps I focused too much on the mod when seeing these things, things I probably took for granted with the original ME.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's bad (or good, haven't tested it enough yet), I was just curious what the exact changes would be. I don't get all the fuzz about using it, if you don't want to, then don't, if you do want to, go ahead. It's only your own pc that is affected, not the entire SI community. I'm gonna continue using it as long as it seems an improvement for me.
  • arsenafan's avatar
    With v7.0 opposite team's defenders are very strong ,set pieces became on one still problem but you trying, thats good.they never tried
  • YAMS's avatar
    I can only concur with others. It has made the match day experience visually far better in my opinion.

    Ignore anyone repeatedly saying otherwise & try for yourself.... & I haven't donated a penny by the way. Although I might as this is such good work.
  • WONDER's avatar
    Please you all should ignore @maczidane
    This mod is great
    I have noticed that every time an update of this mod is made he always shows up and criticize it to try and make people think it's bad
    Ignore him and download it if you want
  • Alohafatboiii's avatar
    "Carry on playing God with the physics file if you must"

    You can say the same thing to the developers who made this code. They are playing GOD according to your logic but I don't see you complaining. Why is that? Do they know football more than actual football fans? What makes you think their coding is perfect? If they are perfect, then why do we see mods everywhere? I thought the game was perfect? Looks like it isn't.
    The next time you see a mod that people love to have it in the game, it shows that the devs should listen and indeed put it in the game if they wish to keep improving this game FOR the community and develop TRUST with the community.
  • Richardcharlston's avatar
    @maczidane, give it up, you are flogging a dead horse. Just let people use it or not, like any other mod.

    it improves a flawed match experience-end of!
  • MacZidane's avatar
    "We could definitely 100% change the Match engine and the results if we wished to do it." - NO, you couldn't. Stop spreading misinformation about this. The match engine has somewhere between 2 and 3 million lines of code, the vast majority of which is out of the reach of the public. Carry on playing God with the physics file if you must, but cut out the claims which are outright lies.
  • RellomQ's avatar

    I'm sorry to tell you this, but all those things you noticed, would have happened with the normal json file too. We are not changing AI decisions. And results are not being influenced in a way you would possibly be noticing, even with 10x seasons and 10x saves compared. FM it self fluctuate to much in results, to tell if anything is changed.


    Leauges and cups with match details set to (All competitive matches,) will instant results and simulated games also be influenced by the json file. All games you play your self, is always loaded with current json file. But to make sure that all mathces do it, would you need to increase match details in details levels settings, in the drop down menu inside the game.

  • ghostmember's avatar
    Does this mod affect instant result too?
  • Sankagee's avatar
    Not sure what to think of it. I've used the patch in English Championship, and my strikers do seem to work smarter and better together, but on the other hand, I've seen some unrealistic things, defender with 15 heading and 17 jumping missing a simple cross with no one near, passes from inside their own box all the way over my defence, ... The only real difference that I noticed immediately, is that I have more realistic results now, with the old ME I played in Europe in my first year in the Championship and won 7-1 against Glasgow Rangers. Should I see more or other differences?
  • You de Mané's avatar
    Thanks, just what I wanted to hear. Now for no more players who look like Dad (that's me) playing FIFA for the first time!
  • Jaykay369's avatar
    Potentially silly question, but hoping can someone help. I've just downloaded the FM20 match engine patch (I'm on a mac) but can't find the "Users/Shared/Epic Games/FootballManager2020/" path to install it.
    Edit: found it.
  • dmcgrath82's avatar
    Any news on when final version is expected?

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