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FM20 Skin: Teal Twenty v.1.1

Teal Twenty skin for Football Manager 2020. Optimized for Full HD screens. With instant result button.

By Updated on Dec 31, 2019   76392 views   29 comments
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Downloads: 16117 / Size: 2.4 MB / Added: 2019-12-16
Football Manager 2020 Skins - FM20 Skin: Teal Twenty v.1.1
Supported resolution: 1920 x 1080. Includes instant result button.

Version 1.1 features
  • Titlebar & sidebar reworked (layout & colours)
  • more tabs in player profile - stats & DNA added
  • couple bugfixes & visual changes

Version 1.0 features:
  • Dark inbox colours
  • Manager home
  • Club overview profile
  • Nation overview profile
  • Player overview profile
  • Non-player overview profile
  • Human profile

Notice: The code contained in this skin can be used freely, even without my knowledge and consent. It will be nice, however, if you mention its origin or author when publishing. Teal Twenty is the result of several years of my FM layout modifications, so I could used snippets of other authors' code in the past. If you recognize your work - let me know.

Teal Twenty Preview // FM20 Screenshots

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Downloads: 16117 / Size: 2.4 MB / Added: 2019-12-16
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Discussion: FM20 Skin: Teal Twenty v.1.1

29 comments have been posted so far.

  • pandacc20's avatar
    for fm21 please
  • dansupertramp's avatar
    @wozzie! Amazing skin, probably my favourite that I've seen so far. Great work. The only thing I want to change is to make your skin transparent so that I can edit the background pictures for different competitions etc. Is this possible? Not sure if there is a simple way to edit your code to make this happen. If not, it's all good. Keep up the good work!
  • SkruxTR's avatar
    Will there be 1366x768 version?
  • Kilstor's avatar
    First of all I love the skin. How can I optimize it for DF11 faces? I want to switch the position panel with the player panel in the player overview screen, so that way the player picture can appear bigger.
  • wozzie's avatar
    Thanks for your kind words. No, I'm not planning any improvements or features in the club overview panel.
  • laulund's avatar
    Hey @Wozzie

    Great work, like the skin ;)

    Any chance your gonna make features, where the stadium are shown under schedule out to the right, and under the game :)
  • wozzie's avatar
    @AndiFMGaming: FMScout link seems fine for me.
    If you need direct one (mediafire) - it's on my Twitter profile (@wozziefm)
  • AndiFMGaming's avatar
    Hey @wozzie, I'm trying to download the skin but the link looks like to be broken. Is going to be a new update or is it a mistake? Thanks in advance
  • Desertik's avatar
    @wozzie : Thank you. :)
  • wozzie's avatar
    Any idea with the crash dumps ?
    Yeah, hopefully it's fixed in 1.1, (there was one unnecessary and causing errors button). For now try clicking "Yes" on the bottom instead of additional "Instant result" button & see if it's working.
    Pic how it's gonna look like in 1.1
  • Desertik's avatar
    Any idea with the crash dumps ?
  • wozzie's avatar
    as I make backgrounds packs this is a non starter for me and anyone who like background pictures really
    I see your point, but bg packs affect colour and transparency coding, and as the pictures vary much it's very likely that some screens won't be clear and readable.
  • DAZS8's avatar
    good skin but as I make backgrounds packs this is a non starter for me and anyone who like background pictures really......having said that very good skin though.
  • wozzie's avatar
    FMT Stadium Superpack works as shown on pictures attached.
  • Rob1987's avatar
    can you specify which stadium pack that is as the current one i have doesnt seem to work?
  • Desertik's avatar
    This skin is great but I have crash dumps when I'm using instant result. :/
  • wozzie's avatar
    The position training field seems to be just copying the additional focus field, happens for all players.
    Yeah, I'm aware of that & working on it ATM :)

  • vinlando's avatar

    The position training field seems to be just copying the additional focus field, happens for all players.
  • wozzie's avatar
    which file modify to replace the green by others colors or primary colors of club in interface
    Mainly the settings file is responsible for colours, but in order to hide primary/secondary I made few changes in other files as well. So try editing "woz_fg" colour in settings, and see what happens :). Titlebar is more complicated and you'll need to edit more files, AFAIR: titlebar.xml, titlebar search panel.xml and search box titlebar.xml.
    Can you join the scoreboard?
    It's not my priority ATM, but try merging them by yourself.
  • yanzhihh928's avatar
  • Groot_FMSLife's avatar
    this skin is amazing @wozzie,

    Tell me, could be possible to know which file modify to replace the green by others colors or primary colors of club in interface ?

    Not necessary to do a special version i can do it if you explain which change i have to do mate :)

    Thanks a lot

  • TheCheadleEnd86's avatar
    Love it my man, would I need to download the update?
  • wozzie's avatar
    Thanks for the comments.
    1. Alternate version - #Tealless is in the making: Tealless@sicommunity
    Font type is a big problem for 1920x1080 resolution.
    I use this resolution and for me it's fine. If you prefer the original FM font, then just remove all the *.ttf files (GT-America [...]) from the fonts folder.
    Either change attribute colors or allow us to change them ourselves like with other skins.
    You are allowed to do the changes, and it's very easy. Just edit RGBs' in Teal Twenty settings:
    <colour name="low attribute background" red="40" green="40" blue="40" alpha="140"/>
    <colour name="normal attribute background" red="40" green="40" blue="40" alpha="200"/>
    <colour name="good attribute background" red="35" green="45" blue="60" />
    <colour name="excellent attribute background" value="rgb(0,70,70)" />

  • fifabing's avatar
    Great skin, but as others have said, it would be nice the teal at the top panel would change to current teams primary color, and the teal is a bit hard to differentiate when looking at attributes. Either change attribute colors or allow us to change them ourselves like with other skins.
  • mlodziezowy's avatar
    I like it, but it would be awesome if there was some alternative version where all of the accents are the team's primary color instead of teal.

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