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HNL Oasis / Croatian Leagues for FM24

Croatian leagues structure with a twist for Football Manager 2024.

By on Jan 15, 2025   3140 views   2 comments
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Downloads: 216 / Size: 459.0 kB / Added: 2025-01-15
FM 2024 Fantasy Scenarios - HNL Oasis / Croatian Leagues for FM24
HNL Oasis is the HNL we are dreaming about.

Only Croatian and homegrown players allowed, no foreign players transfer allowed.

1st division with 10 clubs like real life
2nd division¸with 18 clubs
3rd division with 24 clubs and B teams of big clubs
4th division with 5 sub-divisions which have 16 clubs each

132 clubs in total with revamped cup system.

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Downloads: 216 / Size: 459.0 kB / Added: 2025-01-15
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Discussion: HNL Oasis / Croatian Leagues for FM24

2 comments have been posted so far.

  • alendz1994's avatar
    Between 2015 and 2022, Croatian clubs had the right to have B teams in the lower ranks. They could achieve promotion up to the second tier of the competition, but they had to be ranked below the first team, if the first team was relegated, the B team would also be relegated from their league (even if they were champions of a lower tier).
    The rule for only Croatian players, i.e. homegrown, comes from the need for Croatian clubs to be based on players from their academy and returning former players, and for the clubs to rise financially (be competitive in Europe).
  • zbladzg's avatar
    intresting, but why without strangers maybe at least 3,4 or 5.
    And why second team have promotion posibility,Dinamo 2,Hajduk 2 are be in top league very soon
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