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FM Central World Leagues Megapack FM16

Add new playable countries to Football Manager 2016, such as Andorra and New Zealand, with this leagues megapack by FM Central.

By on Nov 27, 2015   20127 views   5 comments
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Downloads: 925 / Size: 925.7 kB / Added: 2015-11-27
FM 2016 New Leagues - FM Central World Leagues Megapack FM16
Do you want to add something new to your game?
Playing in Leagues such as Andorra, Egypt, New Zealand and more are places people love to manage.

Every year FM Central tries to make as many of the Leagues that SI don't do or don't have the license to do.
This adds depth and a lot of potential new experiences to the game.

Below is a list of countries already done, we will be constantly updating this.

San Marino

New Zealand


Stay Tuned for more databases and updates to this megapack.

How to add the FM Central's leagues to Football Manager 2016

  1. Extract the downloaded .rar file using 7-zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac OS X.

  2. Move the extracted .fmf leagues you want to the following location:
    Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 2016 / editor data
    Create the "editor data" folder if it doesn't exist.

  3. Open FM 2016 and start a new save-game with your selected databases of choice.

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Downloads: 925 / Size: 925.7 kB / Added: 2015-11-27
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About pointer4ncfc

After a break from creating content for the community, I am back! (Pause for dramatic effect) My databases alone have amassed near 20,000 downloads, the graphics I have made for different Megapacks have not been tracked.

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