So SI has partnered with Epic and made Football Manager 2020 available to download until September 24th 4pm GMT and keep for FREE forever, regardless of already owning the game on Steam or Game Pass.
The game on Epic Games store comes with cross network play with Steam allowing you to go head-to-head with other users on either Steam and Epic Games. This will apply to future editions of Football Manager and Football Manager Touch.
If you already own FM20 on Steam and have a save there, you can bring it across to the Epic Games platform and continue your progress. Simply click ‘Load Game’ on the start screen and your existing saves will be there ready to pick up where you left them.
Football Manager 2020 on Epic Games FAQ
If you already have an Epic account, go to FM20 on Epic Games Store and click the ‘Get’ button and FM2020 will be yours to keep not just for the free week but forever.
If you don't have an Epic account, sign up for free through the Epic Games Launcher.
Discussion: Football Manager Now Available on Epic Games Store
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