Please let me know if there are any missing or forgotten places.
Let's go!

First point;
There are two types of players playing this game.
The first is the types that play with a small database, and the second is the types (like me) who want to discover players with a high database.
It is obvious that sometimes we have difficulties in finding players. That's why every year when I buy this game, I upgrade the infrastructure training of the teams in the game all over the world so that it is easy to find a new generation of players.
Second point;
I believe that football is universal. Today, a football player should not encounter obstacles while traveling to another country abroad. Every football player should play football as he wants in every country. For this reason, I removed the foreign restriction in playable football leagues. For example; You can get 5 non-EU players in Italy, but with this patch you can get as many as you want. You can get unlimited foreigners in the Turkish league.
Third point;
We are already trying to manage teams with limited budgets. Despite this, the game comes to a dead end because there are many injuries in the game. That's why I completely removed the injury thing from the game. In this way, the new generation of players will develop even faster.
As a result;
Enjoy your new generation of players with your teams with advanced training facilities.
As a final word, sorry for my English level

My presentation may not be flashy but the content is great!

Discussion: FM22 Full Regen - No Injuries - No Foreign Limit
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