FM22 Winter Update 22.3: https://www.fmscout.com/datas/users/new_zealand_v3_225675.fmf
FM22 Winter Final Update 22.4: https://www.fmscout.com/datas/users/new_zealand_v4_225675.fmf
This DB tries to recreate the 2021 New Zealand league restructure into the National League Championship playoff with 3 regional regular season leagues - NRFL Premier (Northern League), Central League and Southern League.
Lower tiers are the NZ regional federation leagues - NRFL and WaiBOP (North), Capital and Central Federation (Central), Mainland and FootballSouth for the South Island.
Tiers 1-5 are complete (only missing Gisbourn Eastern Divisions).
3 divisions from T6 (NRF, WaiBOP, Capital)
1 division from T7 (Northland Premier)
Chatham Cup, Charity Cup, English cup
Initial database work by ratio1618Rest of the database work + competitions structure and rules by limonezz
Discussion: New Zealand Leagues for FM22
2 comments have been posted so far.