Football Manager 2022 League Updates
Add more playable leagues to FM 2022, which are created with the Football Manager 2022 data editor. For example, you could unlock English non-leagues in FM22.
FM22 Serbia Full (Zone level 4, U19 level 2)
2527 111FM22 Serbia update with 2023/24 promotion / relegation down to level 4 (Srpske lige and Zone).
U19 (Omladinske) level 2 with relegation to level 3.
4 Regional cups.
Thailand (D3) for FM22
7551 260 2Thailand league till 3th level + Cups + U21 Youth League + Junior pyramid, A database for Football Manager 2022 by Tenshi.
Leagues Megapack 2022 by qwert2
144318 24756 80Create all closed and inactive tournaments and you will be able to play 225 Leagues in the world when the pack is complete.
[FM22] Leagues Mega Pack by @Timo@ (166 nations + 5 Others Competitions)
103586 15142 37(Update 22.4) All updates have real (as soon as possible) rules, calendar,structure and transfers windows. So have fun. @Timo@.
Brasil Update for FM22
35334 5760 21The most complete Brazilian update file for FM 2022. All clubs and national divisions in Brazil become playable. Free to download for everyone.
Iran Lower Leagues (D3) for FM22
7977 390 1Iran league till 3th level + Cups + U21 Premier League + Junior pyramid A database for Football Manager 2022 by Tenshi.
Macau Lower Leagues (D3) for FM22
3332 136Macau league till 3th level + Cups. A database for Football Manager 2022 by Tenshi.
Japan Lower Leagues (D6) for FM22 by Tenshi
19138 2707 2Japanese league till 6th level + Cups + Japanese Under 18s Pyramid. A database for Football Manager 2022.
FM22 Asian Competitions (22.1/3/4)
14141 1226 2Reproducing as realistically as possible some Asian competitions, cups and more! Updated in August.
Qatar World Cup 2022 Database
20509 2670 2FM22 database: real groups, real fixtures, real stadia. All that's waiting is for you to take over one of the 32 competing nations and lead them to glory!
Poland Ekstraklasa new TV deal add-on + promotion/relegation
13407 2177 13It was recently announced that PKO Ekstraklasa will soon get new, record breaking TV deal which is estimated to be worth about 65M British Pounds!
FM 2022 England Lower Leagues to Level 13
237745 21869 32Unlock England lower leagues down to level 13 with the biggest English database for Football Manager 2022. Created by Dan. Updated on June 14th.
English Level 10 - FM22 Database
47500 10285 14Unlock England's lower leagues down to level 10. English football pyramid for Football Manager 2022. Updated on March 27th.
Canadian Megapatch 2022 w/ proper 2024 CCL format
8343 686The Canadian Megapatch revamps the Canadian football pyramid in Football Manager 22, with a plethora of changes that improves the accuracy of the Canadian PL.
FM22 Indian Super League
14453 1135 7Adds Indian Super League and I-League in realistic format. Durand Cup, Hero Super Cup, RF Development League and State Leagues.
Pestabola Merdeka FM22 Tournament
8762 591The Pestabola Merdeka is Asia's oldest football tournament which invited football playing nations to compete since 1957. A database for FM 2022.
FM22 Malaysia Complete Football Pyramid (13 Levels)
20355 1928 3Unlocked Malaysian lower leagues for Football Manager 2022. Malaysia's complete football pyramid for FM 2022.
FM22 ASEAN Club Championship
14070 1548 1Tournament for league champions in ASEAN countries. A database for FM 2022.
FM22 AFF Championship (ASEAN)
16104 2162 1ASEAN Football Championship. AFF Suzuki Cup, AFF U-22 Championship, AFF U-19 Championship. A database for FM 2022.
FM22 Leagues Megapack - Around The Globe v2
1791498 37463 63This FM22 leagues megapack by DaveTheEditor will give you the most realistic experience in Football Manager ever. All Nations are made via the advanced editor. Updated on April 17th.
2022 World Cup Realistic Draw for FM22
21501 2570 5The 2022 World Cup draw, which was treated as a virtual World Cup draw, turned into a reality with this FM22 database.
FM22 Thai League Complete Football for [22.4]
22734 3642Thai leagues for Football Manager 2022.
Poland Lower Leagues (Level 5) for FM22 [22.4]
102159 28897 58Unlock Poland lower leagues down to level 5 for Football Manager 2022. Created by bartekr & kajetanor.
[FM22] Polish lower leagues (down to 4th level) 1.2 (22.4 version)
93622 3349 22Polish lower leagues for Football Manager 2022, activated down to 4th tier. Poland's football pyramid for FM 2022.
FM22 North Macedonian Leagues (1.MFL to 3.MFL)
16238 1981Adds the top 3 tiers of North Macedonian football to Football Manager 2022!
Syrian Leagues & Cups for FM22 - Winter Update
8156 830 1This is the Update for the full Syrian Leagues System & Cups structure following the real-life Syrian Leagues this Season 2020/21.
New Zealand Leagues for FM22
16911 988 2New Zealand National League and Regional Leagues T1-5 complete, T6-7 handpicked divisions. Database for FM 2022.
The Moroccan Professional & Amateur Leagues + Logo & Kits Pack - FM22
20462 1952 5The Moroccan football league system for FM 2022, playable down to the 5th level (Regional Amateur Leagues).
South Korea Lower Leagues for FM22 V4 - 22.4 Update
16958 1740 5Korean database down to the 6th tier. No promotion between the 5th and 4th tier currently.