If anyone wants to attempt to make a file like this themselves, feel free to use my files as a jumping of point, I'll keep a functioning download for them here.
[DISCONTINUED] No 2024 UEFA competitions format
If anyone wants to attempt to make a file like this themselves, feel free to use my files as a jumping of point, I'll keep a functioning download for them here.
Discussion: [DISCONTINUED] No 2024 UEFA competitions format
12 comments have been posted so far.
Otherwise perfect after playing with it until 2033 so far.
In the first season "after the changes", instead of 4 teams from England, there is 1 in the Champions League, and e.g. teams from Kazakhstan have 4 places in the Champions League
W pierwszym sezonie "po zmianach" zamiast 4 drużyn z Angli w Lidze Mistrzów jest 1, a np. 4 miejsca w Lidze Mistrzów mają drużyny z Kazachstanu
It shouldn't be 4 or 5? What's going on?
zauważyłem błąd, mianowicie w pierwszym sezonie ( po zmianach) które nie nastały, za mało drużyn gra w europejskich pucharach naprzykład Mistrz Angli gra w 1 rundzie eliminacji do Ligi mistrzów, gdzie w rzeczywistości 3 lub 4 zespoły są w fazie grupowej odrazu !!!! Z każdej ligi tylko 1 zespół gra w elimnacjach do Ligi mistrzów, żaden niema bezpośredniego awansu do grupy za zajęte miejsce w lidze !!! poważny błąd..
I noticed an error, namely in the first season (after the changes) which did not take place, too few teams play in the European cups, for example the English Champion plays in the 1st round of qualifying for the Champions League, where in fact 3 or 4 teams are in the group stage right away!!!! Only 1 team from each league plays in the qualifying rounds for the Champions League, and none of them is directly promoted to the group for their place in the league!!! serious mistake....