II Liga
- Activated with rules and recreated play-off
III Liga Liga
- Activated with all 4 child competitions
- Rules added
GKS Bełchatów (II Liga) and Elana Toruń (III Liga group 2) withdrew from their competitions mid-season. Because their future is not known for now (We don't know if they will be dissolved or not), I've left them as they were in vanilla database (no players in squads, and normally playable).
And of course Ukraine exempt from foreign player rules is in the game.
How to unlock the Polish Lower Leagues on FM2022
1) Download the Data File.2) Drag the file into your "Editor Data" folder. located at \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\editor data. If this folder doesn't exist, create it.
3) Open Football Manager 2022 and start a new career, In the top right of the screen, under "Database", make sure this Data File is selected.
4) Click "Advanced Setup" in the bottom right.
5) Once the database has loaded, click "Add/Remove League", then tick "Poland". The Polish lower leagues will then be playable.
Discussion: [FM22] Polish lower leagues (down to 4th level) 1.2 (22.4 version)
22 comments have been posted so far.
@Theoo - poziom finansowy w III lidze nie jest najwyższy, dlatego często będzie tak że kontrakty nie są nawet półprofesjonalne. Zazwyczaj piłkarze grają tylko za kasę za występ, ale z amatorskimi kontraktami nie spotkałem się. Ciężko powiedzieć czy to bug, musisz popatrzeć czy we wszystkich klubach jest taka sytuacja.
@giloo33 - All installation instructions are the same each year, if you follow these - you won't be having problems
@Obiboq - nie przerabiam tego pliku pod tym względem dlatego niestety nie