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Serbian Transfer Update for FM16

This database for FM 2016 contains all the latest transfer and data changes that didn't make it into the game. Created by Karna.

By on Feb 09, 2016   9633 views   0 comments
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Downloads: 1046 / Size: 97.7 kB / Added: 2016-02-09
FM 2016 Data Updates - Serbian Transfer Update for FM16
Serbian Transfer and Data Update contains all the latest transfer and data changes that didn't make it into the game due to SI database lock that occurred some time before releasing the full game.

Help on this update was provided by Serbian Head Researcher.

Initially published on Steam Workshop.

FM16 Preview of Serbian Transfer Update

How to install the Serbian Data & Transfer Update in Football Manager 2016

  1. Move the downloaded .fmf to the following location:
    Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 2016 / editor data
    Create the "editor data" folder if it doesn't exist.

  2. Open FM 2016 and start a new save-game with this database selected.

  3. It's highly recommended to disable "Do not Add Key Staff" and enable "Add Players to Playable Teams" in advanced options.

  4. It's also recommended to load all players from Serbia using the Advanced... Database Size options.

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Downloads: 1046 / Size: 97.7 kB / Added: 2016-02-09
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