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Wales Lower Leagues for FM16

An alternative format to the Welsh lower leagues with this database for Football Manager 2016.

By on Dec 09, 2015   13592 views   3 comments
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Downloads: 1212 / Size: 18.9 kB / Added: 2015-12-09
FM 2016 New Leagues - Wales Lower Leagues for FM16
I have created a new Welsh league, as I'm not keen on the current format.
So I made it to my taste, this is what I call LLM in Wales.

Please feel free to use and enjoy.

How to add Welsh lower leagues to Football Manager 2016

  1. Move the downloaded .fmf to the following location:
    Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 2016 / editor data
    Create the "editor data" folder if it doesn't exist.

  2. Open FM 2016 and start a new save-game with this database selected.

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Downloads: 1212 / Size: 18.9 kB / Added: 2015-12-09
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Discussion: Wales Lower Leagues for FM16

3 comments have been posted so far.

  • Azrael's avatar
    Thanks for this but its a mess really. The divisions in real life have parallel divisions. In this its almost 1 on top of the other all the way down the pyramid.
    He said that it was not the real format, there's nothing to claim.
  • cruiseylee78's avatar
    Thanks for this but its a mess really. The divisions in real life have parallel divisions. In this its almost 1 on top of the other all the way down the pyramid.
  • football12345's avatar
    Did you remove the rule about having a under 19 in the subs for match day? For the Welsh League Premiership
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