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Belgium - 1st-U21-U19 Football League System (correct)

Belgian Football Pyramid expanded to Lvl 7 with the same Football Pyramid for U21/U19 with prom/rel with full club names.

By on Dec 10, 2016   7344 views   2 comments
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Downloads: 1113 / Size: 313.5 MB / Added: 2016-12-10
Belgian Football Pyramid for 1st-U21-U19 teams , created by thesacrisant aka abu* (STEAM_0:0:19197710)

The Royal Belgian Football Association (KBVB) has changed the football pyramid

Between Lvl 4 and 5 a new League named "3th Amateur Division" has been introduced.
Also the Lvl from 1 to 4 have a new name and Lvl 2 has been reduced from 16 to only 8 teams.

What have ive done?
-59901 Data changes
-No clubs have been moved to random leagues , they are all in the correct leagues !
-Created 370 missing clubs with the correct year of foundation - kit colours - correct city
-Created 328 missing cities with the correct longitude - latitude - inhabitants - weather and moved existing cities to the correct province if not added.
-I have edited the comp xml so the maximum of 20 Levels now is possible to 90 levels.
-I have completed all full club names for the club from Lvl1 to Lvl 7. This i because i can't stand incomplete club names.
-I did the same for all Dutch clubs from Lvl 1 to Lvl 6 and German club from Lvl 1 to LvL 3.
Some examples below.

Anderlecht ->Royal Sporting Club Anderlecht Brussels
KFCO Beerschot ->WilrijkKoninklijke Football Club Olympia Beerschot-Wilrijk
RW Walhain ->Royal Wallonia Walhain Chaumont-Gistoux
ADECS Hyon ->Association Sportive de l'Enseignement Universitaire et Supérieur Hyon-Quaregnon
St-Vith ->Königlicher Fußballclub 1924 Sankt-Vith

PEC Zwolle ->Prins Hendrik Ende Desespereert Nimmer Combinatie Zwolle
MVV ->Maastrichtse Voetbal Vereniging Maastricht
UNA Veldhoven ->Voetbalvereniging Uitspanning Na Arbeid Veldhoven
RKAVV Leidschendam->Rooms-Katholieke Aloysius Voetbalvereniging Leidschendam
PKC'83 ->Peizerweg Kring Combinatie 1983 Groningen

Hoffenheim ->Turn- und Sportgemeinschaft 1899 Hoffenheim eingetragener Verein
Munchen Lions ->TSV München von 1860 eingetragener Verein
Regensburg ->Sport- und Schwimmverein Jahn 2000 Regensburg eingetragener Verein

All +/- 700 clubs from 21 leagues have now U21 and U19 teams that compete in a separate U21 and U19 Football League System with promotion and relegation.

Unique regional borders have been added to all 37 leagues form lvl 4 to lvl 7. Lvl 1 to 3 are national leagues and don't need borders.
Did the same for the U21 and U19 leagues.
This to have a correct promotion/relegation process as possible.

Leagues (3x40):

D1: 1st| U21| U19 - Eerste Klasse A
D2: 1st| U21| U19 - Eerste Klasse B
D3: 1st| U21| U19 - Eerste Amateur Klasse
D4: 1st| U21| U19 - Tweede Amateur Klasse A + B (Vlaanderen) C (Wallonië)
D5: 1st| U21| U19 - Derde Amateur Klasse A + B (Vlaanderen) A + B (Wallonië)
D6: 1st| U21| U19 - 1é Provinciale
West-Vlaanderen - Oost-Vlaanderen - Antwerpen - Limburg - Brabant
Henegowen - Namen - Luik - Luxemburg

D7: 1st| U21| U19 - 2é Provinciale
West-Vlaanderen A + B
Oost-Vlaanderen A + B + C
Antwerpen A + B
Limburg A + B
Brabant A + B (Vlaanderen) + C (Wallonië)
Henegowen A + B + C
Namen A + B
Luik A + B + C
Luxemburg A + B + C

Lvl 8 and 9 will maybe created if i have the spirit for it.

Cups (3x13):

-1st| U21| U19 - National KBVB Beker ( Crocky Cup) - All clubs from Lvl 1 to Lvl 6 including B-Teams
-1st| U21| U19 - National League Cup - All teams from Lvl 1 to Lvl 2
-1st| U21| U19 - Proximus Cup - All teams from Lvl 3 to Lvl 4
-1st| U21| U19 - ArcelorMittal Cup - All teams from Lvl 5 and the 7 last winners of the 7 1st regional leagues from LvL 6.
-1st| U21| U19 - 9 regional cups : - All teams from Lvl 6 and Lvl 7 - West-Vlaanderen , Oost-Vlaanderen , Antwerpen
Brabant , Namen , Henegouwen , Namen , Luik & Luxemburg.

-1st| U21| U19 - National Super Cup

Additional Info :
1-Tested Game :
A tested game can be downloaded from a link below.

Just move the game to here and load : your drive\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2017\games

2-Graphics :
I have edited the xml logo files so all U21/U19 teams from Lvl 1 to Lvl 3 have the same logo's as their first teams.
You can download the edited logos/xml files from the link below. Did the same for Dutch clubs from LvL 1 to Lvl 5.

1) Move it to your graphics folder : your drive\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2017\graphics\logos\
Or just use the xml file from the rar
2) Run Football Manager 2017 and go to Preferences > Interface:
Hit the Clear Cache button. Return to this screen.
Enable Reload Skin when confirming changes in preferences.
Hit the Confirm button.

3-Future work/Updates :
-Completing the U21/19 logo xml files.
-A simular update for The Netherlands has been created.
! Have noticed there is some weird bug in the editor " invalid squad selection". Don't know what this means.
Seems we will not be able to run to 2 custom made files form my databse at once by this error.
Or i should start over from scratch , that means 4 weeks of work in the drain. Merging doesn't solve the problem.

Check links below what could be made for FM 2016.
-FM2014 workshop :
-FM2015 workshop :
-FM2016 workshop :
-FM2014/15/16 updates :
-FM2017 workshop :

Direct Download Steam Workshop
Downloads: 1113 / Size: 313.5 MB / Added: 2016-12-10
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Discussion: Belgium - 1st-U21-U19 Football League System (correct)

2 comments have been posted so far.

  • Orvalvisje's avatar

    Will this made be available for FM18 as well? hope so! Even though not really techy, anything I can do to help?
  • Simonsplufz's avatar
    Everytime I start a new career, there comes an error that tells me "a minimum of 14 teams is required for the Eerste Klasse A U21, but there were found only 0" How can I solve it? I hope I can, because this addon was sick ;)
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