Football Manager 2021 Shortlists
Grab exclusive Football Manager 2021 shortlists of FM21 wonderkids, free agents & other greatest players. Also FM 2021 shortlists with best backroom staff.
FM21 Shortlist: Half Thai nationality and international football players (Update 05/07/21)
16267 1841Football Manager TH has compiled a list of 150+ half-Thai and Thai-blooded players who play in the Thai League and abroad for FM21 friends to use.
Golden Boy 2021 Nominees FM21 Shortlist
30240 5994The 100 players nominated for the European Golden Boy 2021 Award in one downloadable Football Manager 2021 shortlist.
UEFA's Ones To Watch in 2021 / FM21 Shortlist
35228 6837 correspondents picked out 50 for the future. A selection of young players who could be big news in 2021. We've added them to a FM21 shortlist for you.
The Marquis Advice / FM21 Shortlist
41960 9313 5A custom shortlist with recommended players for your Football Manager 2021 saves.