FM 2023 Other Files
Football Manager 2023 audio commentary, FM 23 save-games from the future and other cool stuff that don't fit within the rest of FM 2023 download categories.
Alternate Universe FM23 Mod
26360 3241 10Rewrite history with real players coming through over 32 years. Starting in 1990 with fictional players and staff.
100 years in the Future - Football Manager 2123
25941 4315 107 countries, 22 leagues, 100 years later. We go to the year 2123 to see what has happened in the Football Manager 2023 world!
28 years in the Future - Football Manager 2050
19521 3568 47 countries, 22 leagues, 28 years later. We go to the year 2050 to see what has happened in the Football Manager 2023 world!
Make United Great Again! - 2024 Rebuild
21637 1414 1Can you take Manchester United back to the good old days?
Realistic Rebuild of Leicester in 2024
16143 1062 5Leicester have drop to the Championship, this is a realistic rebuild to bring them up again!
World Cup 2022 / FM23 Save
22517 2413 1Play with accurate rosters & lead your desired nation to glory!
FM23 Main Leagues loaded (8 Nations) + Rest view-only
22299 1388 1A database set-up where the main leagues are loaded and the rest at view-only.
FM23 Essentials - Audio Match Commentary
242712 48097 589The beloved Audio Match Commentary Pack returns for 2023! Featuring an array of immersive sound files from diverse sources, including updated stadium ambiance, all expertly revamped and reworked to work seamlessly with Football Manager 2023